what was up with the frogs?

did miss something? how did they get there? they were pretty, lol.

"an eye for an eye makes the world blind"~ ghandi


Ya...pretty poisonous


No, I totally just watched that scene, and... WTF?? What does this have to do with anything?

Either way, it was pretty dang funny. You just know the frogs represented the apex of that dude's career, too. Years from now (assuming Randy Quaid can help avert disaster and save the world) he'll be sitting in a bar all, "I was first on the scene with a crystal salad bowl. I made everyone get back. Saved a few lives that night, I tell you what. And that was how I earned this medal." *moves his lapel so the medal glints in the light*




Just one more example of artistic license gone wrongfully awry.


The frogs were placed by one of the church goers from what I understand this way that curch could get more publicity and make more money from the people running scared.. But Im not sure about the scene with the flies


I don't think so, jr meyers. I was a little confused about the frogs,
but as I understand it, the Krycek guy from -Files got the idea of
the flies ("another sign") from the frog accident.

I guess the frogs were on display, and weren't supposed to leave their
little mini-habitat, but perhaps a sudden climate change made them jump
out, and into the salad. Anyone else see it that way?


sorry, -files should read X - Files


Yeah but I reached my conclusion cause the one curch goer told the pastor's wife "Maybe I should tell him (the pastor) the frogs were my idea"

But I could be mistaken.


he opened the tanks so the frogs could get out...they just didn't show that.


Frogs and flies were two of the Biblical plagues of Egypt. Obviously, they wanted everyone to believe they were reoccurring.


My understanding was that the preacher's son released the frogs and that it was the preacher's wife's idea. Same thing with the bugs. By trying to convince the public that this was the end of the world (reason for the movie title), their support/followers dramatically increased. The preacher knew nothing about it.
