
Bill is a lonely janitor who becomes obsessed with lucid dreaming and harnessing the ability to control his dreams. In effect, he can carry out in his dream world the things he doesn’t have the courage to do in reality, and he gradually begins to lose interest in the real world.

Gary is a middle-aged businessman whose marriage is falling apart. Since his
son recently left for college, he has begun staying at work after everyone’s
left and sleeping at his desk late into the night. Meanwhile, his wife, Karen (Sharon Stone), has developed a penchant for shoplifting.

Travis has spent the last seven years agonizing over the past. After killing a
young girl in a car accident, he has avoided driving by commuting to his menial hardware store job on foot.

The intertwining lives of these people reveal that everyone has their own way of escaping their troubles. But once a man completely withdraws from the world, how can he know if he ever really existed in the first place?
