Similar Movies?

I've watched L3, Swing Girls and Waterboys, Summer Time Machine BLues

Are there any other movies out there I should watch?


Ping Pong


Yeah, my friend has it, it's really cool. :)


L3, Swing Girls and Waterboys, Summer Time Machine BLues

All great movies. Ping Pong, too.

Check out "Kamikaze Girls," one of my all time faves. It's really funny, quirky, and has a kickbutt soundtrack by TommyHeavenly6 & others.

Also check out "Kikujiro". It's a bit more laid back, but if you get the jokes you'll be howling. Great music by Joe Hisaishi.

And my last pick is "The Taste of Tea" which can be really REALLY weird so I wouldn't recommend it to just anyone. Watch this clip, and if you think it's funny then you'll like the movie. If you don't then you probably won't like the movie at all.


7 years later, but good recommendations are worth the wait!

Key of Life

Terrible title, hysterical movie. From 2012.

Original title "Kagi-dorobĂ´ no mesoddo"
