Phone bomb


I dont know if this has been answered before.

When the Joker gets his phone call and the phonebomb in the fat man explodes, why is the Joker the only one still standing when all the police officers around him get knocked out or killed by the detonation?


because he knew the calculation of the explosion ratio.


Guess he just braced himself the right way.

I wouldn't presume that all of the MCU police were killed but instead knocked down, but who knows really.

** Rest in peace, Timothy Volkert (1988 - 2003) **


1. The Joker knew an explosion was coming.

2. The Joker wasn't in the same room as the explosion. The explosion occurred in the holding room while the Joker was in the Detective room.

3. The Joker wasn't the only person left standing.



Because he knew that he wouldn't be hurt due to the one in a million chance that his goon wouldn't be killed or taken to a different location, thus making Joker's escape impossible.
