Making more friends.

IMDb's message boards will be disabled permanently, no more discussions or opinion wars 😞 as much as I had many quarrels with others users on these very boards I have to say that I will miss them.
so I came here to my favorite movie's board to say this:

If you are a passionate movie fan like me and want to keep talking about movies with people, you are going to have a hard time doing so because our method of communication is getting shut down, so, instead I encourage everyone to post his facebook URL so we can add each other and keep this movie-discussing community alive.
feel free to check user ratings so you can add people who like the same movies, or maybe different movies so you both can recommend things to each other, check my ratings and add me (if you would like to) and any other users you enjoyed talking with on this website.
I will start, here is my URL

keep the movie community alive, and cheers !!
Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying!
