MovieChat Forums > Tsotsi (2006) Discussion > Anyone watch the alternative endings?

Anyone watch the alternative endings?

So awful,

In one of them, at the very end when the family get theirs baby back, the baby cries and david pulls out a baby bottle from his back pocket (lol) and the cops shoot him

In the other alternative ending, he gets shot for pulling out the baby bottle, but he manages to escape.

I literally laughed

--Only he is wise who knows he knows nothing


Though i quite liked it that in the alternate he died, however in the other one where he ran off shot in the arm i like the way it juxtaposes at the beginning when running through the land/field. But the orignal ending was much better.


I did not laugh. I found the shooting at the end interesting alternate ending, though I like the running away better as it give more mystery re. what actually happened. Then again the "hands up" is the best in a way too, and it was the one used.



The ending where he got shot might be a bit predictable but my god it was powerful. I sort of prefer it to the actual ending.


I agree and I think where he dies is probably the original ending, though I didnt read the source material, but it just felt like that was what was intended. The big problem with that is that it instantly destroys all hope and in a complex way Tsosti is about hope. So I think that the ambiguous ending is very appropiately used here.

There is NO Gene for the Human Spirit. Gattaca


I was wondering too, if either alternative endings would have been better. I believe the mystery of the actual ending is best. I was also wondering if the babies father, hoped that they would go easy on him, since he saved his life earlier.


I haven't seen the alternate endings, gladly, as I sat and prayed and wished and hoped he wouldn't die, that it would come out as well as possible given the circumstances. Yeah, I know it's a fictional character, but I was really involved. I just felt like he was a very sympathetic character, and I felt really sorry for him.

In my fantasy, the father speaks for him and he gets a lighter sentence, perhaps some community service, and the changes he went through stick.

In real life, he'd probably be charged with the Butcher's murder, the shooting of the mother, the robbery of the house, the two carjackings, and go back to every other crime he'd committed, he'd have crap for a lawyer, and go to prison where he'd be back to a hardened gangster again, probably even worse. Of course that's based on the American legal system, I actually can't begin to imagine what would really happen in South Africa.

Maybe I'd like the one where he got shot but only wounded and escaped, and I could dream that he made a new and better life for himself somewhere else.


Liked the one where he died MUCH BETTER than the original. The one where he escapes just didn't seem real or seem to fit or as powerful as the other two. Really wish they stuck with the one where he gets shot. But kudos to the filmmakers for even shooting different endings and figuring out which works best.


I didn't like the ending in which he gets away, because to me it is a movie about redemption, and if you just run away from things, you aren't really redeeming yourself for what you've done...

the one in which he dies had me crying. I liked it as far as emotional punches go, but I prefer the original...

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