A Clockwork Tsotsi

Warning. This following bit may contain spoilers to both Tsotsi and A Clockwork Orange.

I saw this film a few months back and I haven't actually seen the ending of Clockwork Orange yet (wish I could get around to it) but I noticed some similarities between these two films back then and it keeps coming back to me, so I finally decided to write this.

In Clockwork Orange the leader of a gang goes around raping, beating and even murdering. In Tsotsi the leader of a gang basically does the same (although we don't actually hear anything about rape). Both of these things go on until a turning point in their lives. Clockwork Orange - Brainwashing, Tsotsi - Finding the baby in the back of the car.

Both of these things are "handicaps" to the respective protagonists (quotation marks, just to point out that they're not necessarily bad, but hinder them from going on with their lives how they used to). Both of their lives make a complete turn-around.

Alex, in A Clockwork Orange has to face all the problems he's caused with his handicap (bum, guy who's wife he raped,..) and his gang doesn't respect him anymore at all. Tsotsi's gang is turning against him slowly and at the end he brings the baby back to the family, which also happens to be a problem he caused. Then there's Tsotsi's bum.. (XD, not Tsotsi's bum, the bum in Tsotsi.. XD). His situation may not have been the problem he caused BUT now he seems him through completely different eyes than earlier ("Why don't you walk?").

There were some more things that are a bit blurry in my head as of now.. but there were some little things. Like, both Tsotsi and Alex attack one of their gang members for questioning their ways, which cause the turning point to take place.

Am I crazy? Does this actually make any sense?

Or does the ending of Clockwork Orange completely murder this comparison (DON'T tell me the ending of A Clockwork Orange)?


I can see where you're coming from....

Last movie watched: Tsotsi (6/10)


I say watch the ending of A Clockwork Orange, they really have different themes.

Tsotsi had a change of heart after caring for the baby, good for him, while the guy for A Clockwork Orange was brainwashed and I'll just say that the movie doesn't view that as a positive way to fix people at all.


I think that you are right that there is a relation, but you could make the same connection with pretty much any film where the main character makes a change from bad to good. The connection between A Clockwork Orange and Tsotsi is very small, but nonetheless there is still a connection.

BTW, you really need to see the ending of A Clockwork Orange. Probably my favorite film ever and the ending is very important to the story. And if you enjoyed watching A Clockwork Orange, I recommend Oldboy. Not the same type of movie, there are similarities, but I tend to see that people who love A Clockwork Orange love Oldboy, as well as it's another one of my favorite films.

*Everyone takes something different out of art, don't let anyone else define what you perceive*


I really don't see how Oldboy is similar to ACO other than the shock value they offer.

Have you ever been hit in the head?


Same here... how is A Clockwork Orange related to Oldboy in any way?

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.



I thought this too. This movie did remind me of A Clockwork Orange.


The only similarity is the gang setting. Alex changes through mind control exerted by others. Tsotsi has a real change of heart.

I'm a fountain of blood
In the shape of a girl
