MovieChat Forums > Prey (2007) Discussion > who was more annoying, the son or the da...

who was more annoying, the son or the daughter?

Sure the daughter was annoying (mainly towards the stepmom) but I could NOT stand the little boy. Who would you rather throw to the lions?

I watched "Pulse" (worst movie I've seen in some time) the night before which was the only reason this movie was actually watchable for me (besides Bridget)



im 20mins into the film and already i would have thrown the daughter out. The comment "your as stupid as my mom said you were" would have resulted in death for her if i was the step-mom.


Well about a half hour into the movie and already I think I would have threw the girl out of the car myself. Even if I died later on, the satisfaction of seeing her get devoured would be enough to let me rest easy.

I'm sure later on I'll want to kill the boy as well, but at this point it's the girl who'd be getting my wrath.


Hell...The Stepmom was just as dumb...When she finally gets the keys she drives even farther out of the way and she speeding like an idiot....A couple of decent deaths though.

Good Cop and Bad Cop left for the day.
I'm a different kind of cop.


Te boy is really anoying, he is aware they dont have any food nor water but he keeps saing "I'm hungry" or "I'm thirsty". The stepmom was really stupid too, a bad driver with a little brain must not be put in front of a wheel. The girl its understeandable, a teenager whose parents just divorced, I mean, I didn't expect something else from her.



20 minutes in, and that comment about "you're as stupid as my mom said you were" makes me vote for the daughter. It may change given time or more inebriation.

five midgets
spanking a man
covered in thousand island dressing
is that love?



Hey, let's make it a package deal. I really couldn't decide who was worse. If I'd been there, I'd have sent them both back to my brother's place on the farm.I watched it because I kept vainly hoping it would maybe get better. Sigh.


Ive seen 5 - 10 min so far and the answer is simple KILL THAT LITTLE B*TCH.


Definitely the daughter. Her comments were making my teeth ache. When she made the "your as dumb as my mom says you are" that was it. She was on my nerves before that, but that was over the line. She had another comment "nothing you say is final" I wanted to smack the living tar out of her. Then their was always scaring her little brother, like saying , we're never getting out of here, and shining the lights on the lions. I think the lions would have spit her out, had she been fed to them.


Well I can understand the daughter being annoying because of her age (a 14 year old girl makes such comments) but the boy was MORE annoything; I mean, EVERYTHING went wrong when he decided to take a crap and hide where there were lions.

At that age, he should knew he should take a crap before leaving.

"Hate is baggage, life's too short to be pissed off all the time".



I am tempted to say the boy, he sure got on my nerves, but the daughter should have a few more pounds of meat on her? That could keep them happy for about 5 more minutes. A few more hours of his nagging and the stepmom would kick him out of the car anyways.

I see purple people eaters


I would have hit her wit the car first and made it even easier for the lion, and used the boy later as a divesion to get the *beep* out of there:)


The boy pissed me off

"I'm thirsty"

"I'm hungry"

"I'm thristy"

"I'm anal retentive"

He just didn't shut up!
The 3 of them deserved to die for their stupidity and annoyingness!


I don't know why everyone is ragging on the daughter. I mean, what did u expect from a teenage female? That little kid was really annoying me. Did he think he was the only one that was thirsty.
"I'm hungry and thirsty, time to bitch."

Man i hate kids.


Why choose? Throw both.


It would've been nice to see the girl's flesh ripped off her bones.HAHA!!!!!
