MovieChat Forums > Prey (2007) Discussion > OMG! Those girls were so dumb!!!

OMG! Those girls were so dumb!!!

the blonde chick annoyed me soooo much. she was just stupid. and then briget moynahans character was pretty dumb also. there was much better ways of handling all the situations that arose in the film.


1. use the coke bottle and water bottle to collect the rain water.... not your freakin hands.

2. when the dumb blonde goes to the pond with the guy, she should have brought along the bottles to.... FILL THEM UP!

3. moynahans character should not have sped around when she found the keys. she should have just driven calmly and stayed out of the brush. freaking out and speeding around the savannah wont get them home.

4. why would you only bring one water bottle on a day trip around the African bush? the guide even mentioned before the trip how bad the heat can get.


If i was in that situation, i would have at least tried to hotwire the truck.


c'mon -- you're talkin' about blonde chicks here. It wouldn't be right to expect much from them.


Couldn't agree with the OP more. All those ideas ran through my head when I watched this. It's just descent common sense.


Yeah, common sense went out the window. But that kind of stuff kind of happens when you are flipping out. It's not much of an excuse for the bad writing, though. Still, I have seen so many really bad movies that had nothing good in them, this wasn't one of those movies.

[email protected]


what a crap movie to start 2007 off.

anyway, what's wrong with just hitting the car horn to scare the lions or warn the victims the lions were approaching? Thats the first thing i would of thought of.


I'd throw out the sad whiny girl and feed her to the lions while I start a fire. Its drought season, should be pretty easy to get some smoke up in the sky and attract some attention. Hell, it might've as well kept the lions away for a while. Even if it didn't work, at least the girl is already out of the picture. Psyche!


anyway, what's wrong with just hitting the car horn to scare the lions or warn the victims the lions were approaching? Thats the first thing i would of thought of.

She thought about that, but the horn didn't work, because the car was turn off, and the gamekeeper had taken the keys.




and after that, they had the keys and still didn`t use the we`re back to the part when they are totally stupid.


the girls were not that dump infact they did what they have been told

I know sometimes the really were annoying


what you expecting to do them during this stalked situation


yea looks like producers were dumber than those girls... lol

It's classified. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.


If the characters were smarter then you wouldn't have had a movie.


Totally agree....Lions in fact most wild animals are afraid of fire, use lighter set fire to Africa attract attention would have been an idea...

As for the Guide since when do they go out without radio communication into the bush? The routes and trips are always planned, plenty of water, first aid kits, so all concerned know where to go and in the event of a problem can do something about it, ie the land rover breaks down, whatever, they can be found. On the first encounter a rifle shot in the air would have put the lions off their dinner for a while, all in all it was pathetic, When they get land rover started she would have retraced their route to the road it wasnt far behind them only been going for 10 mins or so plus if they looked they had a map. Not much use to most women though...The great hunter runs down the hill away from his vehicle? Yea right. If he was the great white hunter I would hate to see the 'not so good' ones....

As for the two poachers who shot one lion what happened to the guy with a rifle? Lions took the rifle? The young poacher did well wandering around till it was dark, as locals they would know what and what not to do they live there and were obviously wandering around without any problems before....pathetic, really, In fact theres too many holes in this movie sorry...

Glad I didnt pay to go see this its not worth an entrance fee....


Maybe the truck had a radio, but they were too stupid to use it!


"This is not a room. This is a Holocaust, waiting to wake itself!"


Yeah , i know...Its well not believable.They try to make it as if they're in the wild of note!!!! Like i said earlier in another reply, Jurassic Park was more believable!!!



The entire premise of the movie was stupid.

Yes, not taking anything with you to gather water was incredibly dumb. It's into the last 25 minutes of the movie that the woman decides to ask them to go through all of the compartments, etc. to see what they have to "work with". HELLO? Why not in the beginning?

I'm not going off on some jungle journey w/o enough water, weapons and a first aid kit. These should have been standard items when going.

The annoying kids almost make you want to feed them (especially the girl) to the lions. The girl argues endlessly with the woman. Everything that the woman says the girl argues with.

As to the horn, most cars have horns that work w/o the keys!

And yes, why are you driving like a bat outta hell through what is obviously rough terrain? Without any kind of escort or group?

Cujo rip-off with just lions, tigers and bears instead of a dog....
