
Man, this movie sucked big time, hated pretty much every minute of it, reminded me of a Jurassic Park for poor people. Wished that everbody died right at the beginning by a planecrash or something...

But what the heck was the deal with the hypersuspicious, overdramatic last zoom into the gras right before the credits? Did I miss something? Has a lion survived and it's supposed to give a hint of a sequel? I seriously don't get it


killer hippo i think
Eric C 4 Prez



The last shot was random. It was almost like 'oh, we can't have this end with them simply walking away. Let's go to a shot of the grass and play some ominous music.' lol. And no way, you think there were more lions out there? Get out of town! She only blew up one, like there's not sh!tloads more out there waiting for them.

Big Gay Al, it has recently come to our attention that you are gay.


While I agree that there were likely plenty more lions left in Africa, I have to say, up until the closing shot, I believed they had sysetmatically done away with all the lions in that particular pride. After giving it more thought I counted: the poachers killed one female, Crawford killed another, and Amy blew up a male. I only remember seeing one male and two or three females. Unless my memory is faulty, which is entirely probable, perhaps the ending was designed to show that not everyone in the family survived. I can't imagine one lion begin able to kill all four of them.


I think you can catch the faint outline of an ear in the grass (extreme right side). We replayed it a few times - but to prolong this movie any longer seemed further agony. I think they ran out of film and didn't catch the whole face. Maybe it was like a "Prey II - Ghosts of Lions" teaser. ;)


C'mon, if you have time to post here, you have time to play http://www.HumorMeOnline.com


They were copying Ghost and the darkness in the last shot.


You're thinking way too hard. In a crappy movie like this it probably doesnt mean anything.
