MovieChat Forums > Old Joy (2007) Discussion > i don't see how people hated 'the brown ...

i don't see how people hated 'the brown bunny' but like this

i like both films but the whole "nothing happening" complaint about "the brown bunny" could be made by someone who didn't like this film. "old joy" overall got favorable reviews in any "indie" film magazines and critics reviews while "brown bunny" rarely gets a good review. i guess people were turned off by gallo's personality and/or the oral sex scene cause it wasn't cause there was more of a plot or story to either film beyond there being 2 guys instead of one. i like road movies and minimalism in film so both films are up my alley.


A lot of the bad reviews for bb where a result of the rushed cut made for Cannes. Apparently it was significantly better after the re-edit for wide release. I personally thought it was an o.k. movie that would have made a great short film.


Maybe because they are two almost completely different films.

All I can think about are dudes.


I just thought the Brown Bunny lacked the substance this movie had. A movie that has little dialogue and/or is slow paced is often said to be about "nothing". However, the characters, and plot, despite its simplicity, kept me interested in this film. In the other I hardly cared about the protagonist, and it seemed self-indulgent while Old Joy seemed contemplative.


I mostly agree with the OP - THE BROWN BUNNY shares a lot with OLD JOY, from the key motives to the artistic choices and style. However, I appreaciated OLD JOY more since Gallos got a little overwhelmed with his self-centered melancholy in BROWN BUNNY which led to sort of pretentious "touch" whily I consider OLD JOY to be a really modest, discreet film that wasn't trying to demonstrate its subtlety in any way.


I agree. Old Joy is modest and subtle while The Brown Bunny is self-important and shallow.

I did enjoy parts of The Brown Bunny and with some better editing it could have been a close masterpiece. Although I wouldn't exactly call Old Joy a "masterpiece" but I do respect it in it's own right. The film successfully does what it was meant do. What's really haunting is that after watching it, at least the for the first time, it's hard to forget it. The images, at least for me, are still lingering.


I think people connect with certain films and are alienated by others. "Brown Bunny" struck me as self-important and meandering, but I found "Old Joy" comforting and meaningful. Granted, I don't care for Vincent Gallo, but I watched "Brown Bunny" all the way through and have the right to say I didn't like it.
