MovieChat Forums > Gwoemul (2007) Discussion > Other good semi recent monster movies?

Other good semi recent monster movies?

Anyone got anything? The monster from splinter was pretty cool and definetly a throwback (non cgi). Loved the host and monster, loved clovie. Anything else with some monsters running around a city or something?


They're not set in cities, but Monsters and Troll Hunter are good.




Jack Brooks Monster Slayer. It's like a throwback to the evil dead movies. No CGI in that one either.


Regardless of how it might look like it's trying to mimick The Host, and Jaws, i felt Chaw was a lot of fun. It has it's flaws yes, but the overall film was quite inventive.


I know this was posted a while ago but I'm a big fan of the genre and have struggled to find right good movies like The Host and Cloverfield (I know not everyone liked it but I did!) but similar-ish types of movies I've enjoyed are (oh and I've added some animal-attack type movies which I get the same vibe from):

The Mist
Black Water (big croc hunting people in Oz)
Rogue (same as above - big croc hunting people in Oz)
Primeval Kill (big croc hunting people in Africa!)
Frozen (wolves hunting people)
Burning Bright (best Tiger in a House movie you'll prob see!!)
Godzilla Final Wars (story made no sense, but once the dino's are unleashed it gets pretty cool and entertaining)
Storage 24 (it's alright)
Dog Soldiers (ok, so it's werewolves but it's great and may incite you to start a campaign for Neil Marshall to direct a Prometheus sequel!)
Watch the Pacific Rim trailers over and over again until that comes out in 2013!

I thought Dragon Wars was awful, Monsters, for me wasn't a monster movie per se.. I enjoyed it though.

Anyone who can think of any others like The Host or any of those mentioned above please let me know too!

*Nothing of me is original, I am the combined effort of everybody I've ever known*
