MovieChat Forums > Gwoemul (2007) Discussion > I dont understand this movie

I dont understand this movie

For many years I have thought on seeing this movie, and then finally I did. And... I dont get it.

I had a hard time deciding on if the movie was a dark comedy with slapstick humor or a horror movie. I mean just look at the scene in which they cry because they think the child is dead, isn't that truly slapstick humor? Even though dark such? Is it intended to be funny or what is going on?

Annoying main character that was unlikeable, all the time he failed and you felt nothing for him. His actions just made you dislike him.
And the ending where his daughter dies, and he then takes care of the boy, what the heck? What am I not understanding here?

And the whole anti-government thing just went in the shadows towards the ending, it seemed they just threw it in there because they just had to have it in.

Is there any point I did not get?


The scene that you are talking about is filled with dark comedy (the director has mastery over this).
Have you watched Memories of Murder by the same director ?
Its filled with "I dont know if I should laugh here" moments.(but they are hilarious esp the 1st hour of it)
That perfect blend of comedy while maintaining a serious undertone to the movie makes this guy's movie stand out(although I think this is one of his weaker works)

The "annoying main char" wasnt that unlikeable by the end, dont you think so?
Although I kind of agree with you on this one
He takes the boy because he and the boy both had lost their closts ones, the boy reminded him of his girl(He asks him 'were you with her').Also this time he wants to act as a responsible parent unlike what we saw in the beginning of the movie thus he got a 2nd chance through this boy.

One of the themes is Anti-Govt.Thats it.

Forget it,Jake. It's Chinatown


Why does it have to be one or the other and not both? Why does something have to be pigeonholed like that?


Why does it have to be one or the other and not both? Why does something have to be pigeonholed like that?

Fair question and I agree with you. That this film crosses genres so much is one of the reasons it appeals to me. Ultimately though IMO director Bong takes it so far, that it becomes just too contrived, even for a film of this nature.


The best part is when the monster doesn't flips and tricks under the bridge :)


I openly asked aloud when watching this last night whether there's some cultural humor and design to this film that western audiences won't get. A great example is the funeral scene where the family is WAILING out of control, and then get in a fight on the floor... someone starts filming it... I assumed this was dark comedy, but it doesn't necessarily translate to western audiences.

I got that there was some government agenda commentary taking place in this, as well, but I think many of the themes, and emotions portrayed by the writer/ director, are best understood by those in the primary audience.

These are the joys of watching non-American films: we have to think outside our bubble. I enjoyed "The Host" - weird, quirky, creative, and interesting.
