Shannon twins on Botched

Apparently the Shannon twins will be featured in the new season of Botched, which doesn't surprise me. In the previews of it, they looked far worse than they did on GND, which I didn't think was possible. Should be interesting...


I looked them up after reading your post...omg they look terrible. Didn't even know those were the same girls..they look like wanna be hood rats


I've always thought they were pretty unattractive and dumb to start with not to mention extrememly annoying paired up with Crystal ... no where near as fun and entertaining and holly bridget and Kendra just my opinion


Such an awful lifestyle.... not really ending up as members of Congress or inventors... teachers... nope, they end up on BOTCHED!


They were on Rob and Chyna I was shocked how fat they have gotten . Omg they look 50 lol
