MovieChat Forums > Vincent (2005) Discussion > last episode of vincent

last episode of vincent

Did anyone else think that the last episode was a bit bizarre i cant imagine that vincent would fall so quickly for a women and be so completely taken in by her.he is far to shrewd although the end bit with the suitcase did redeem him a bit.Also does beth feel sorry for him or fancy him cant work that one out.The sub plot about the 15 year old boy didnt get followed through either.Still loved watching ray though just idnt think it was as good as the first three episodes.



I thought the last episode was great.
The end part with the suitcase, i thought was classic and i really wasn't expecting it, and it just showed that you cannot mess with Vincent.
Also, i think there is alot of sexual chemistry between Vincent and Beth and they should try and get together in the next series.



I did enjoy the episode as much as the other 3. Its a typical man on the rebound thing. Vincent probable was taken by her looks and more with the intriquing way of earning a living. Perhaps he felt like he needed to convert her back to the right side of the law. I do feel pretty sure Beth fancies Vincent. She will not let him know for a while. Would like to see them have a love interest, but lets wait awile, because once that happens the series would not be the same. Vincent 7 seasons??????? GO ON MY SON!!!!
