MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Hidden Frontier (2000) Discussion > Who do you think were good in acting?

Who do you think were good in acting?

Fan-made productions are fun to watch, but as they are fan-made, the actors are often more enthusiastic than, well, any good in acting, honestly. It's always nice to see a GOOD character who acts BELIEVABLY in his/her role. It adds to the immersion when they act naturally. Who do you think in Hidden Frontier were believable and good in their roles?

I'm gonna start with a few names.

Risha Denney - Captain Elizabeth Shelby. Why not start with the best? She could play a captain in a commercial Star Trek series, be exellent and loved by all. Natural in front of camera and charming, facial expressions and voice tone always as if she really was "there". Why no-one has captured this talent, is a puzzle to me. Maybe she doesn't want to do professional acting.

Rivkah Raven Wood as Rebecca Wood - President Vindenpawl, Lieutanant Jenna McFarland and Glinn Betras. When she appeared in season 5 "Security Counsel" as Vindenpawl, I was thinking: "hey, where did they get this professional". But like Risha, also Rivkah has done only fan films, but quite a few roles.

Jeanne Garrington - Lt. Cmd. Rodriguez. Seen only in the 1st episode of the 1st season I think. She was pretty natural to me and one of the best in the 1st episode.

Kelly Jamison - Lt. Cmd. Robin Lefler. The first actress to play this role. The character quoted to me irritating rules too often, but she acted naturally and had humour in her character.

Dave Bundtzen - Captain Roberts. The rebel pirate captain. He seems to do directing, but based on this role, he makes a good actor too. Quite natural and believable.

Karl Puder - General Korg. Quite a believable Klingon. I saw no flaw in his role, and bought him as a Klingon general, more civilized Klingon.

Adrianne Lange - Ensign Jenna McFarland. The first actress to play this character. She was among the best ones in the first season and even made to the opening credits. Unfortunately, if I recall right, she only appeared in the very early of the season. What happened?

Julia Morizawa - Ensign S'Tal. She became a professional actress and has lots of roles in short movies. And she made a very good Vulcan in Hidden Frontier. In fact my favorite character of the 6th and 7th season.

Dan Crout - Donnell. The bitter cook in season 7 "Hearts and Minds". Minor role but well played. he didn't sound as if he was playing a role in a fan production, but he sounded like a man who sees Starfleet a problem and empire builder.

Lexa is  cute!


Good choices, all.

I particularly liked doing the makeups on Rebecca Wood and Karl Puder, and wish that I had more scenes with them myself. Fun people, playing interesting characters.
