MovieChat Forums > Twitches (2005) Discussion > So, I know this was based on a book....

So, I know this was based on a book....

and I KNOW[looking at ALL other Disney Movies based on books -_-] they they specialize in *beep* up good books

So, I wanna know for those of you who HAVE read it...How COMPELETLY wrong is it???

is it ANYWHERE near right at all???

or is it just one jigantic *beep* up???

Also: perticually this question--- Did Disney REALLY just cast Tia & Tamara as the girls soully not to be racist or to have black charaters???
[Cause, I know somebody who read it when they were younger & they say the girls were NOT sopost to be black in the book]

not that it really matters, LoL


The only thing the same are the names. The ages, how they look and act, completely different.

I'm not sure why they cast Tia and Tamera, it doesn't bother me, cause the actresses(or models) on the books, and the girls in the books, are suppose to be white. But casting black actresses doesn't bother me, it's how they wrote the story.


Book>Movie by far. Check it out at the library if you can.

Will Scarlett has stolen my heart.


They totally messed it up.

In the books:

Cam is a bit of a tomboy who plays soccor on a team called the meteors. She has a younger brother and lives in a middlle-class household (not a mansion). She has a group of friends labelled the Six-pack. She's popular and optimistic. She's predominantly a precog. (She sees things that happen before they do.) She likes to take pictures.

Alex lives in a trailer. Or at least until her adopted mother passes away. She has short hair she tends to dye in crazy colours and she's punk, sarcastic, and totally awesome. When we meet her, she's working at a carnival in Montana for money. Her strongest ability is hearing people's thoughts. She likes to write songs to help her deal.

Karsh is old. Ileana is not and is Karsh's ward ever since her father Thantos (who did not kill Aron, their other brother did) left when Aron died.

Miranda (the twins' mother) is in a mental home because she's unstable and has been since that fateful night when she lost her husband and two daughters.

enough differences for you?

And, oh yes, they are not black. Check them out on the scholastic site.


well, damn.

the book sounds AWSOME!!!!


well, damn.

the book sounds AWSOME!!!!

[is it like a real novel kinda book, or a kiddy book? 0.o...more so if I went to the book store whould it be in the kids section or Teen Novels??? :) thanks]


The book series(of 10 books) I believe you can only get online now. I would buy from amazon, the books qualify for their special "4 for 3" promotion so it would save you money buying the series. Or ebay you can bid on this listing for the complete series:|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50.


yeah, they totally DESTROYED the books in this movie. The girls are supposed to be 14. Not adults already. Their mother was institutionalized by the uncle. And so on with a bazillion differences that change the entire thing. I understand that some things need to be changed to make a movie from a book, but when all you basically take from the books is the names, what necklaces they wear, and that they are witches, then THAT is killing the books, my friend.
I LOVED those books. I own the whole series.
I HATED the T*witches moves, and absolutely REFUSED to watch the "sequel." I read a recap from it, and pretty much nothing from it came from the books. Except for the girls' names.
Way to go Disney channel. Way to freaking go...


Most movies/screenplays etc. are usually non-race specific or at least should be. Plus I wouldn't be surprised if the books are different from the movies. Sometimes what works in books doesn't necessarily translate on film.



Oh yes , Karsh and Illeana`s greater age difference and incestuous relationship would totally fly in a family-friendly Disney Channel TV Film , I`m so sure ! Incase ya can`t tell , that was indeed sarcasm ! There is such a thing as Pragmatic Adaptation , people ! Basically , you take the essence of the Source Material and make changes where needed ( Like in the aforementioned Karsh and Illeana relationship and Coventry being changed from a magical island to a magical dimension due to there being an actual Coventry Island , California and Disney was not allowed to film there due to it being so remote or use anything but the first word so they filmed in Toronto , Canada , instead ) . And , they still used Valleygirl stereotypes , did they not ? Ya , I`m not all that enthused about that aspect in either the Book or Films ! Reason being , I was born and partly raised in the Valley and only about 2% of Valleygirls actually talk and act like that , that`s far more common in Beverly Hills and Orange County ( Neither of which is actually in the Valley , a fact I`m sure might shock some of you ) and the two Valleygirls I met who talked and acted like that I met during a very painful part of my childhood ! Also , I thought Thantos was a far better villain in the Film than Short Stories as in the Short Stories he was just a petty , jealous , pompous jerk while in the Film he was evil incarnate ! And , the Mowrys were cast because they are talented twins , no other reason whatsoever !
