MovieChat Forums > Juno (2007) Discussion > Juno's dialogue isn't unrealistic for he...

Juno's dialogue isn't unrealistic for her age. Unrealistic in general.

Nobody talks like that. No 40 year old or 16 year old. Honestly, Ellen Page delivered that type over-the-top dialogue better than the gas station cashier played by Dwight fom the office. It felt really unnatural when he called her "McGuff the crime dog" and "fertile Mertyll".



I wouldn't call the dialogue creative or intelligent.


I wouldn't call the dialogue creative or intelligent.

Not everyone liked it, but the dialogue of the script was one of the most praised things about the movie and likely contributed to its author getting more rewards that year than any other screenplay, bar none. Check out the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes.


I take that back to be honest. It was creative and it was intelligent.

It's just that if somebody were to act that way in real life, it would sort of make them seem like a complete douche. Like they were sitting there trying out their standup comedy routine while you were trying to have a conversation with them.

I mostly responded that way because the guy missed the point of my post. It's not unrealistic that a teenager would talk this way. It's unrealistic that any given person would talk this way. Let alone every character in the movie. But realism isn't always the best thing. I honestly didn't mind the dialogue.


The movie is presentational, not representational.


That's a good way of putting it.


I love Ellen Page, but I thought she was doing a Chris Rock impression.


You are correct. It is horse *beep*


Her one liners and come-backs were too clever, too fast to be realistic. Her character is adorable and believable, just need to omit the comedic genius.



Agreed. Her banter reminds one of some 40 year old dude who is really impressed with his command of pop culture references. It completely unbelievable for a 16 year old girl.


Not really sure why this is an issue. People don't talk like the Reservoir Dogs either, but nobody starts thread after thread about their conversations.


Reservoir Dogs isn't annoying.



This movie wasn't attempting to be realistic. I would say most comedies aren't realistic. You just aren't going to meet so many funny people or be in funny situations. Movies are entertaining, not something you'd be seeing in your own life. What a stupid complaint.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


But Juno isn't funny or entertaining.


Juno is basically a GD cartoon of a hipster. A stereotype of a sterotype. Someone whose head is so far up their own ass smelling their farts that couldn't imagine being compared to the masses. So they rebel by floating as far away from "mainstream" as possible by immersing themselves in vintage obscurities from the past that only a select few would catch. A try-hard poser.

As for her dialogue, it's again her character pushing really hard to be eccentric. But the scene with Raine Wilson in the convenience store is wretched. So unbelievable, and very poorly executed by the actors. The movie does chill out after that scene, though.
