is this a joke

wtf under dog come on you mean to tell me that they dont have any good ideas



ya i know its a kid movie you retard i just thought it was a joke calm down



and you are absurd.... apparently you didnt grow up with the good cartoons..

never fear... underdog is here



This movie has to be the biggest, most pathetic piece of crap I've ever laid eyes on. I think my anus bled a little bit after I found out about this.


Amen there.
And you know what's ironic about it?
It's supposed to be based off a 60S CARTOON, only this **** is NOTHING like it.
The animals are supposed to be ANTHROMORPHIC!!


nice try with the big words there, jackass. it's anthropomorphic.


Well, how to hell am I supposed to know.
And who's bein' the Jackass here?
That's no excuse backing up the people for screwing up a classic cartoon this bad.


No, this is a joke:

A grasshopper walks into a bar. Bartender looks at him and says, "Y'know, we got a drink named after you."

"Really?" says the grasshopper, "You got a drink named 'Murray?'"

When I Googled "Google," it tore a hole in the spacetime continuum.


A Disney rape? What else is new...



See...the drink he's talking about is this green, mint-flavored chick drink called a "grasshopper," but the grasshopper in question thinks the bartender is specifically talking about him--Murray the grasshopper--and not grasshoppers in general.

When I Googled "Google," it tore a hole in the spacetime continuum.



Well, while we're on the thread...

1. A horse walks into a bar. Bartender looks at him and asks, "why the long face?"

2. Two priests and a rabbi walk into a bar. Bartender asks, "what is this? A joke?"

3. A termite walks into a bar, looks around and asks, "where's the bar tender?"

When I Googled "Google," it tore a hole in the spacetime continuum.


A Jew walks into a bar. He then buys it.

VOTE 10!



Well, since we're doing Pearly Gates jokes:

A guy arrives at the Pearly Gates and St. Peter asks him if he's ever done anything worthwhile in his life.

"Well," the guy says, "there was this one time when this really tough biker gang was picking on a skinny little guy and his girlfriend at my local bar. They shoved him around, then grabbed the girl and headed for the door. I jumped up, got in front of them, and yelled, 'Enough is enough! You're not getting that girl out of this place as long as I have something to say about it!'"

"Impressive!" St. Peter muses. "When did this happen?"

"About five minutes ago."

When I Googled "Google," it tore a hole in the spacetime continuum.


I know a joke, "Juggalokilla11". The same goes for anyone else who calls themselves a "juggalo."

ICP is crap. Better you find out now, than later.



Probably because it sensed your gayness coming.

I'm just tryin' ta be a better canine. My name is Shoeshine.


Clearly, you are an uneducated dolt if you think this was a gay movie. Pricilla - Queen of the Desert, In and Out, Latter Days, etc. have gay themes. This one doesn't. Unless you think dogs are gay. Which again, moves us back to uneducated square one!


2 guys walk into a bar, the girl ducks.


A guy and a giraffe walk into a bar. The giraffe gets plastered and falls on the floor. The guy gets up and starts to leave and the bartender says ,"Hey, you can't leave that lyin' there". The guy looks at the bartender and says, "That's not a lion, that's a giraffe". badump-bump....waka-waka-waka...


Well, ok. There was a high priced lawyer, a low priced lawyer and the tooth fairy in a bar. There was a 100 dollar bill on the table. The lights went out. When they came back on the 100 dollar bill was gone. Who took it?
The high priced lawyer, obviously, the other two are figments of our imagination...
And for the record, if you quit comparing Underdog to the cartoon, it was a decent movie. Made me laugh.


I love the one from Family Guy where two Jewish guys are walking into a bar and one of them looks at the other and says "Did you hear the one about us?"


This looks cute.


Don't tell that to these *beep* I mean the ones who are flamming this movie)

In Nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti


look im not flamming the movie i just cant beleive that the making this movie


And I can't BELIEVE your username is "juggalokilla11".

In Nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti


i dident know this was grammer school you *beep* troll


I'm not even going to point out the irony there.
In Nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti


why? they made bullwinkle into a movie...why not this?


Underdog as a TV cartoon back in the day seemed great-then all we had was black and white tvs on antenae-so we could not be too choosy-but now at age 48 and I watched an original Underdog cartoon(1st time in years)I could not believe how hokey it was and he sorta spoke in rhymes all the time and the animation was god awful.So anything has got to be an improvement over that,I used to watch Astro Boy and Speed racer and Bullwinkle and Dudley Do-Right too,ergo there is much to be said for progression-maybe this is yet another step in that direction..


I wouldnt really mind as much if it weren't live action, but its still a stupid idea


That there are stupid movies like this is just a fact of life. We must bear up the best we can.

Don't judge a movie by its rating.
"What is **nt?" --Lady Chatterley


Do we just mark it off as a Kids Movie and call it a day? Would our children even waist their time and watch this thing? I mean this is a cartoon of two to three generations ago...the kids that is being marketed...dont know anything about this movie

Geeks and Comics too.


when this is done i see this being considered one of the worst movies ever made


Then you probably haven't seen most of the worst movies ever made.

And I don't blame you...they're terrible.

I'm just tryin' ta be a better canine. My name is Shoeshine.


this kind of movies always flop!



I'm thinking the most credible gripe to be made is that this movie looks like a completely unfaithful and uninspired attempt to make a quick buck off of just slapping a well known character's name on itself.

"Aren't ya gonna play card's Martini?"


adam says to god "why did you make women so soft?" God says "So you will like them."Adam says "god why did you make women so warm and cuddly" god says "so you will like them" Adam says "God why did you make women so stupid" God says "So they will like you."


I'm thinking the most credible gripe to be made is that this movie looks like a completely unfaithful and uninspired attempt to make a quick buck off of just slapping a well known character's name on itself.
Absolutely, utterly, and completely wrong.

You really are that far off base with that opinion.

I'm just tryin' ta be a better canine. My name is Shoeshine.

