
The movie really liked going after other things such as the Muslims for example. I really didn't think it was necessary at all to continually go on in showing flaws in their belief. What was with the part about how the Muslim believers i think it was, being wrong about the universe after scientists made discoveries showing the age of the universe? I really didn't think they had to do all that. It would be nice to see a movie that does this to christianity. They could use the old "The earth is only 6000" theory, and bash that. They tried to counter some common arguments that have been made against christianity, yet they leave some big ones out. For example, why not get into biblical passages such as the one in Deuteronomy I think it is, saying 'a disobedient child shall be stoned to death'? So if it's in the bible, isn't it the word of god? Is the word of god wrong here or what? That's just one passage of many others that "christians" simply ignore. They choose what they like, and throw out what they don't. I wish the movie would have explained a bit of that.


So you'd like to see more movies counter (or at least try to counter) the Christian viewpoint? My friend, simply turn your television on--or go to just about any movie--and, chances are, you'll get your wish...


I was going to say . . . Movies that aren't really "Christian" abound! ITA.

Also, to the OP: you seem to be referring to an old Mosaic law, not new covenant. If you are interested enough, please look into exploring the Christian faith (just start reading the Bible!), seek God/Jesus, and you very well may find your answers . . .


OK I see, the word of god is just wrong there. I've read the bible, it's what made me convert from christianity. Too much contradiction, and bad things within itself...


Just as it is with all forms of communication, context is everything. Deuteronomy 21:18-21 is a parable. Just as God uses parables in the old testament to help define intent, Jesus uses many parables in the new testament to help people understand what is meant. It's similar to when a new law is passed in congress and a summary of the intent of the new law helps define the application. Deuteronomy 21:18-21 communicates the degree to which people need to be willing to go to purge evil. The verses of Deuteronomy 21:18-21 first refer to a parent's need to chasten, or discipline, a child for sinning and if that doesn't work, take it to the next level. Stoning a child is an extreme example, but it sets the tone as to how far a person needs to be willing to go to obey God's laws. In the example set in Deuteronomy 21:18-21, the son is a profligate (shamelessly immoral person) and drunkard, so I don't believe God was refering to a young child in this example he give us. The Bible is God's word, but God doesn't simply start at the example of the general public stoning the son to death. He starts with the parents disciplining him first. I hope this helps, and I really hope you find your way back to God.


lets face it, the bible is a book of myths. Look at all the stories and compare them to older ancient ones. The story of the great flood, the story of jesus... its storytelling. The only thing is that the greatest story ever told, the one about jesus, is somehow seen as truth. What evidence is there of him? A book that says everything happened. NO, i prefer to have actual evidence. Why not believe in Zeus and the crew? Just as much logic to believe that as there is to believe in christianity. If you really sit and look at what christianity is, you realize that its the same as any other religion that faded out in the past.


Obviously you have not really researched this thoroughly. Anyone that has tried to do an in depth study to try and disprove the bible has failed. Archaology only support things that are mentioned in the bible.


ummmm.... are you serious? I think you meant to say it is the other way around. You can't find one thing that appears to matched up with archeology and then say the rest is true. I don't really get what you are trying to say disprove the bible. It's hard to disprove things within it because it already contradicts itself so much as it is.


Id like you to share some contradictions please^^ If you are interested then Id be happy to help with any doubts.

