9/11 references

Why is there references to terrorism


I don't recall any 911 references; but why would this be unusual, especially for a film set in NYC?


It's the part where Anna Paquin is arguing with that Middle Eastern chick in class


Ok, thanks, I remember now. Well, that answers yer question, right? The students were having a political discussion.


What do you think of Anna Paquin as an actress? I thought she was ok in this movie


She was interesting enough to keep me watching a 3 hour film.


The film was made in 2005 when 9/11 was fresher and part of every New Yorker's experience, not 2011 when the movie was finally released after numerous lawsuits.


It's all from the point of view of a New York ultra-liberal (Lonergan), it must be remembered. It's more about the Iraq war and the way some feel the U.S. barged in and made a mess of things. Lonergan may be making a parallel between that and Lisa's self-righteous, entitled way of conducting herself when she sort of forces herself on the friends of the dead lady and tries to assuage her own guilt. It's probably no accident that the bus accident was the result of the search for a cowboy hat -- "cowboy" being the term liberals used to characterize the Bush administration's foreign policy as it related to Iraq.


Who spit in your bean curd?
