2 Questions About Donovan

1. Is Donovan Lucifer (i.e. Satan or the Devil) himself or is he just his sub-ordinate/henchman?

2. If Donovan was evil, why did he save (or assumed the role of an guardian angel) her from an imminent traffic accident? (And subsequently telling her to go home at the party)


Donovan is a subordinate of Satan, and he saved her in the past because he had further plans for her soul, he had other things to acquire so she would be "tastier" or whatever.


I see. Thanks!


I tend to agree with whooshfullness - henchman

Drama is life with the dull bits cut out~Alfred Hitchcock


Yeah, he actually says he works for the "big guy" and looks down. And he only protected her for his own interest, not because he cared about her safety
