MovieChat Forums > I Could Never Be Your Woman (2007) Discussion > I never found Paul Rudd attractive till ...

I never found Paul Rudd attractive till this...

God, he is so adorable in this film!!

I missed him quite a few times when i watched P.S, Night at the Museum and 40 yr old virgin.....

wow, he blew me away in this film


Check out "The Shape of Things". Paul is so adorable and gives a great performance.

I think we're just gonna have to be secretly in love with each other and leave it at that.


Thanks for the movie recommendations. I'll check that out. I think Paul Rudd is so funny in a naturally comedic way.


You have to see Clueless!!!!!!!!

First time I ever saw him in Clueless I thought he was a leading man type, and then he did a lot of goofy roles. In ICNBYW he combines the two beautifully.


Paul Rudd is adorable. Period.
I found him extremely attractive in this in Clueless, even in Knocked Up!

"I'm the distraction that's going with her to England, sir."
-Say Anything


I was thinking of roles like Anchorman, where it's almost like he tries to deliberately NOT to be attractive...but he really can't help it, I agree.


And you like John Cusack too, I see. You have VERY good taste!


thank you vega-37
glad to see someone shares it:)

"I'm the distraction that's going with her to England, sir."
-Say Anything


I saw him for the first time in the TV show "Sisters" and fell in love immediately! I've always been a fan. I am really glad to see his comedic side come out in this film...he's quite funny. Can't say the same about the movie, however...


He's sexy in every movie I've seen him in

Obama 2008
Archie's Angels #10 & COOK'S CRÜE #88!


i have to agree...i like any films hes in...been going through the imdb recommendation "if you liked this youll love this" thing at the bottom of the pages and thats how i found this film :)

*Every time you call me a girls name i die a little inside*


"the ten" was awesome!


This is the first movie I've seen him in (well actually Anchorman too) where I didn't find him attractive at all! He was actually irritating. That scene where he's dancing in the Club by himself, he was obnoxious!!!!

What happens in the meadow at dusk? NOTHING!, EVERYTHING!



He is very cute!


I've never noticed him before but after The Ten and this movie he's coming into my radar and I'm thinking, cute older guy that can act i'm hooked.


An American sweetheart. Watch the "40 year old virgin" and this movie,and you will see what I mean!


When he went out on the dance floor and busted out those moves, I was thinking, I want to marry this guy!! Too bad he's already taken. Absolutely adorable!
