She's too old for him

The comparison with Demi and Ashton was silly. Girls age much faster than men, and as a result it is natural for girls to be with older men, but the reverse does not work just like gender reversal in movies don't work except in a silly comedy. So let's just say it is silly and be done with it.

Feminism is Sexist Hate!


Actually there are many women who take better care of their health than men. Additionally women live longer and their sex drive lasts longer.
I doubt youre a woman. you ar eprobably some bitter middle aged man.


Damn!! My posts attract so many nutty B-A-S-T-A-R-D-S!


Actually there are many women who take better care of their health than men. Additionally women live longer and their sex drive lasts longer.
I doubt youre a woman. you ar eprobably some bitter middle aged man.
The aging process is not linear, nor is it homogeneous, but there are certain aspects which hold true to the different sexes because of nature. I am certain you are as dumb as you project yourself to be sweetie.

Feminism is Sexist Hate!



Age does matter; just like size matters. Re: your pic.
You cannot just look at the crows feet alone because most people, even teenagers, will show it if they smile hard enough. Her jowls are wrinkled and her hands look very old. She's nice looking for her age, but her age shows. The lines on her neck are more prominent in other pictures when she is not looking up. This topic is about Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher. Demi looks very old, like a witch.

Feminism is about equality as much as the KKK is about White people's rights.



Hey AmyIsrael! You're so good at dishing it out, let's see if you can take it to, post up a photo for us all to see of you, in fact give us three very different ones of you in different situations, so we know it's you. I bet we can all have a field day. I can already tell you now, no one will be knocking on your door to put you on any beautiful lists. Michelle Pfeiffer is still on top ten lists of everywhere on most desirable women by men, and who women most respect...uh that is except for the envious ones like amy here.


I agree AmyIsrael is probably a dried up hag, if she isn't she's on her way to become one. You can always kinda tell what kind of person it is by what they say. She's someone that constantly thinks in a limited way and clearly has not ventured out into the world beyond her computer. She's a narrow minded thinker who knows nothing about human relationships and thinks she can predict the future. It's a disgusting lack of intelligence that carries out into other aspects of her life. I can already tell she's someone I would never give the time of day to say hello. If she gave me her phone number, I'd throw it away.



"The comparison with Demi and Ashton was silly" - why?

What do you mean by "Girls age much faster than men"? Physically? Sexually? Emotionally? Over the whole life-span, or just during puberty? And how is this relevant when you later say that aging is not linear or homogeneous?


Michelle Pfeiffer is 25 years older than me but I would totally hit that.
I feel like an angel baby swaddled in a cocoon of cloud candy.



I'm with Kupotek. I don't care how old she is, Michelle Pfeiffer still looks damn good.

-Bad waves of paranoia. Madness. Fear and loathing.-


I think Michelle Pfeiffer is any age.

But in real life, how many women really look like Michelle Pfeiffer the way she does at age 47? Not all women can be as well preserved as Michelle because they don't have her money nor her excellent bone structure to begin with.

Which is why in real life, stories like "I Could Never Be Your Woman" rarely happen. And which is why it's more common to see older men with younger women. People are primarily attracted to youth and beautiful physicality. Once in a while, people can overcome their beauty bias...but it's pretty rare. Most people admit that there has to be physical attraction first before they attempt to further get to know a person.


What a ridiculous comment, AmyIsrael. For one, men die earlier than women, so marrying an older guy is pretty much a guarantee that you're going to be a widow for a very long time. Not fun.

And the idea that women age much faster than men is crap. It varies enormously individually. I know forty-year-old men who look like they’re pushing sixty, and forty-year-old women who look youthful and are total babes.


I was married to a woman that was 10 years older than me...

It is true what they say about women in their 40's.

The sex was incredible.


men hit their sexual peak younger, and women hit theirs in their late 30's - 40's so it makes perfet sense. and wtf cares as long as they have chemistry and are attracted to each other and are of legal age. i can't stand when people focus on age. Love is love. stop with the AGEISM!!!

"The guitar is fine as a hobby, John, but you'll never make a living at it."


My husband is 25 and a half. I am 42. We have been together for 7 years, married for almost 5. We have a wonderful marriage. We enjoy life together; movies, dancing, music, conversation, music, travel, and amazing sex. I have already finished college and he is going to college. We compliment one another perfectly.

Don't be so quick to to say something doesn't work when, apparently, what you mean is it wouldn't work FOR YOU.



Why do ppl freak out whenever theres an older woman and a younger man? In reality many many men marry women 5 years or more older than themselves. I think ppl freak out when an older woman is sexy because they are our mothers and in some cases grandmothers. Moms and grandmothers aren't supposed to be sexy so when a younger man is interested in them our world becomes up side down. Older women are sexy and younger men like them because they are mature, no what they want and tend not to be as needy as younger women.


I am 10 years older than my husband, and we have been together 13 years. We have two daughters aged 9 and 6, and I am going to have our third in less than a month. My grandmother was 5 years older than my grandfather. It really isn't that big a deal.

Expecting Bundle Number 3 in April..
The Divine Genealogy Goddess


Are you kidding? If anything Paul is too close to Michelle's age to really be considered a "younger man", there have been actresses playing opposite actors 10-13 years younger than them since the silent days and almost never with this being an issue in the plot.
