'My shiet stinks'

So I really enjoyed this movie.. a lot and im not entirely sure why but i thought it was fantastic. Jamie Bell's performance was wonderful.
As some people have mentioned some parts are pretty cringworthy and i agreed with some of the dialogue being a bit uncomfortable.. like with the whole "what do you call yours?" " my willy" but i thought the scene kind worked
everything sort of worked other than "My shiet stinks" after Kate's whole sweet and sour bit. It just makes me chuckle... MY SHIETT STANNNKKKS.
I dont know... just thought id put it out there.


Jammie Bell was great! But it's *beep*


I don't what you people are talking about.
Personally my favorite line from the film. Best working too.

"Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression... is our lives!" - Tyler Durden.

