at the end..

what was morgan made to sign at teh end of the film, jsut before the floating credits, when he said they should go and get the film?


It was a contract. Probably stating that he agreed to pay vast amounts of money to Santilli and Shoefield to be the sole owner of the original footage shot in 1947.


Must admit I got the jist of what he was talking about but I couldnt actually understand the exact dialogue.



The movie you just watched.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


Very late response, but I JUST watched it. I liked it, lots of fun. The idea at the end was that they were still lying to people and ripping them off. The 'real' footage was, of course, more fake footage, but after going through the entire song and dance with him, they were now saying that, yes, the footage on TV was fake, but, you know, we now have THIS other footage! And for only such-and-such amounts of money, the real thing can be yours!

They're basically trying the same thing over again.


He was made to sign an agreement prohibiting him from searching for the original footage. That is why Shoefield and Santilli's agent tapped on the document, indicating Morgan could make the documentary but could not look for, view, or publish the original.
