So REAL or ???

So are all the events that happen in the game real or is Alan seriously F^KED IN THE HEAD and is just a crazy murderer like in "Secret Window", I know it all seems like a Stephen King book anyway and he even gets called Stephen King

You have the same scowl your mother had... When I banged her... After I pulled the plug.


The game is apparently a nested dream... So no idea where the hell his actual body is... He could be in a hospital in a coma and this is as you say all in his head... That's one explanation I have heard.

No one but the game designers have any bloody idea and no one is offerng any real explanation.. But there's a lot of cliches in Alan Wake..

For me the game offers up more questions then actual answers..... For instance.

Was Thomas Zane evil? I mean at the end of Alan Wake he tells Wake not to worry about Mr. Scratch, and that he will interact with his friends in the real world? Didn't he know that was an evil dude?

In AN has Alan managed to stay with us in the real world? Or is he now back at the bottom of the lake in the other dimension? How did he get a change of clothes? How does he eat / sleep?

So the town of Bright Falls was built over the resting place of dead American Indians and that's why the darkness creature was there? Hmmmm. The spirits rather then resting got ticked off? Isn't that like a huge cliche? I can forgive it as it works and the games are good but I still think if that's the case it's a cliche that has been used in a ton of movies and stories..

Will Alan ever make it back to the real world for good? OK confused as the ending of Nightmare doesn't clarify if that was Alice's short film we were watching or them actually being together?
