MovieChat Forums > Alan Wake (2010) Discussion > How do I find my game version on PC?

How do I find my game version on PC?

Weirdish game this. I just started playing and it's got a spooky vibe alright but what the hell is it about? Is there an actual plot in here amongst all the exploring and page finding and stuff?

But I'm loving its weirdness...

I did have a technical question. Since this is a steam game how do you find out what version your game is? It's not in the properties of the .exe file.. So where else can I look?


Look when it says to "press key to play" when you turn the game on. It says at the bottom.


Thanks found it.


"Is there an actual plot in here amongst all the exploring and page finding and stuff? "

You must be joking, if you have played the game for more than 60 seconds, then you should know that there is a very rich plot.
