So what becomes of Anastasia?

I had a thought she would end up growing a conscious and do the right thing. I think it would have been neat if Cinderella would have made her the maid of honor. But in any case, any ideas of what may have become of her?


In the credits it shows a picture of her with the baker she fell in love with in Cinderella 2.


I liked that they did. The only story I liked in Cinderella 2 was the one where Anastasia met the Baker. However, I consider Cinderella 2 to be a completely different timeline since it would make no sense if Anastasia went back to Lady Tremaine after Cinderella III.

If it came right down to it I think that Anastasia would avoid her mother like the plague after what she would have done to her in Cinderella III. Plus in Cinderella II she was still a rude and impolite brat, it would be so terrible for her to revert to that after her great moments in this movie.

Anyway, I think that in my idea of the timeline after Cinderella III Anastasia lived with Cinderella so she didn't have to deal with her abusive sister and mother. THEN she met the Baker when she went to the bakery to get bread for the palace. It's simple enough but I think it'd work since I want those two together and I want the changes that happened to Anastasia to stay at the end of Cinderella III.


She falls in love with the cutest baker of all time, they get married and they have lots of sex and babies. Simples *squeak*
