MovieChat Forums > Cinderella III: A Twist in Time (2007) Discussion > The inconsistancies between II and III

The inconsistancies between II and III

Why was Anastasia the one to "wed the prince" when she already shouldn't have hated Cinderella after the second one where Cinderella helped her fall in love and get together with the baker??? Anastasia's only hope was to find someone to love? What about Drizella? She never has anything but the evil role... Why does Anastasia need another reason to like Cinderella?

I had other ones, but I just forgot what else I was going to say...
Anybody else?


Maybe it took place before that chapter of CII (and I still think the Fairy Godmother should have restored the original timeline with herself, Anastasia, Cinderella, the Prince, the King, the mice and birds being the only ones to remember what happened) or the producers simply decided to ignore CII.


I KNOW!!!! They really messed things up. It seems that Cinderella 3 ought to be part 2 and vice versa. It makes more sense that way. And Godmother should have restored time because at the beginning I think Cinderelly mentions a baby? Would have been cute to have gone back to that.


I've been told to watch it in the order of:

Cinderella III
Cinderella II

... just ignore the numbers. Just like Tarzan II takes place inside the original Tarzan, not after it - the numbers must be disregarded when considering the order.

I <3 Animation! The Girl Who Leapt Through Time,Nocturna,The Illusionist,Ponyo, Disney & Pixar



Actually, that's the reason the stories don't seem to fit sequentially. Disney likes to pretend that Cinderella II doesn't exist either.


Watch the original, followed after by Cinderella III and you'll see it fits perfectly.


Exactly. I have The Little Mermaid Trilogy box set and I watch it:

The Little Mermaid III
The Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid II


TheKingBoi, are you outside of the U.S.? Cause in the U.S. the third film was just titled "The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning" without the III tag, because they knew it would confuse people to add a number tag like that in a prequel. I know that outside the U.S. instead of having "Lion King 1 1/2" they have "Lion King III" which totally destroys the intended pun behind the title.

I didn't hate the II or III tags until they added them onto DTV sequels that were actully prequels/midquels. Few examples of this are "Tarzan 2", "Bambi 2", and "The Fox and the Hound 2". I was probably most dissappointed in the "Bambi 2" tag because it was great film and the trailers and merchandise originally had this tagged as "Bambi and the Great Prince of the Forest" which is a far more better title!


This movie would've made more sense to be called Cinderella 1 1/2, since it happened after the first film but before the second film. It's only more obvious after you watched it in the 1,3,2 order.

The only way to a person's heart is through their chest.


Notice though, that Cinderella: A Twist in Time isn't actually called Cinderella III. Also, number 2 was so godawful we should pretend it never happened. Much like TLM 2 and 3.

No change of heart, a change in me.


You must live in Australia as the film was called "Cinderella III: a Twist in Time" on the US dvd release. In Australia (the place of production), they omitted the III. While this film could work as a sequel to Cinderella and a prequel to II: Dreams Come true, a problem presents itself when Anastasia ends up living with Lady Tremaine and Drizella in their former house better off than they were in Cinderella III where Drizella and Anastasia are made to do household chores. It wouldn't make much sense for Anastasia to go back to living with her mother/listening to her orders after she attempted to kill Cinderella/turn Anastasia into a toad.



Jesus christ you're a complete idiot. Do you even know what a prequel is?



"And do NOT me a complete idiot!"




ok just completely ignore #2. I don't recall if anything good came out of it either except the baker scene thing. I like #3 a lot, so I'll just watch #1, #3 from now on if I'm in the mood...


Actually, that's the reason the stories don't seem to fit sequentially. Disney likes to pretend that Cinderella II doesn't exist either.


Watch the original, followed after by Cinderella III and you'll see it fits perfectly.

And I don't blame them at all! Out of all of the crappy Disney sequels that Disney has put out "Cinderella II" has got to be THE absolute WORST of them all, and that's saying something! If I were Disney I'd sweep it under the rug too, and pretend that it never happened.

Bed Intruder Song sung by Andrew Garfield:


the thrid movie being incosistant with the second, here is my theory. After the night at the ball, Tremaine killed Dimitri the Baker and Anastasia is aware but realizes she has nowhere else to go (she thinks she isn't worthy/ready to go see Cinde because of all she's done to her in the past) so that is why she is still with Tremaine and Drizella (who isn't aware of the fact her mother is a sociopath. However it takes one to know one). It only adds up, Tremaine (one of the most thought-provoking villainesses) is a full-blown murderer. (and that picture at the end of the third movie is Anastasia meeting his twin brother Jim. Haha, Jimi and Dimi.) So Ana had a situation similar to Cinde's where she was forced to maintain under the reign of a tyrannical mother figure and long for a happily ever after.

This is not the end of me, this is the beginning (-Christina Perri <3)

