Rutt and Tuke?

I've heard that they're returning for the sequel. But I don't see Dave Thomas or Rick Moranis in the credits. So are they really going to do the McKenzie moose brothers again?



Jeremy is actually reoording vocals. But Phoenix won't be back apparently from what I hear.



???... If Phoenix don't come who will then Play Kenai...

Rutt and Tuke, they are quite funny realy. cos thy dont have mutch influence on the storry itself and characters that just are there is quite fun (like Scrat in IceAge) i hope they'll be back :)



Yes, Dave Thomas and Rick Moranis are back as the Rutt & Tuke you all remember.

Someone really needs to complete the cast list, the movie's just finished animation and is onto post-production.

Also, Joaquin Phoenix is not playing Kenai. I think they got James Marsden instead.
Other than Kenai, the original cast are all back.



It's a matter of money too. He can be hired for a cheaper rate than Phoenix.


