MovieChat Forums > Brother Bear 2 (2006) Discussion > STOP RUINING DISNEY MOVIES!!!


Has anyone else noticed that the NOW disney has run out of ideas? its either a sequal or something already 3/4s written for them (narnia) and pirates they are making 3 more becasue they are too lazy to come up with their own creative ideas. did u know Walt Disney hated sequals? i said it took the magic away. but even on their channel. raven has the xat epasodes on everyweek. shes wrong, she learns a lesson. ok but look at this

Emporors New Groove, good movie right
Sequal , crappy
Series, why the heck would u do that?

They even came out with a decent movie, Lilo and Stitch, then they make a series thats stu[id, and like 5 bagillion more sequals. its annoying.

I miss the 90s and below, when disney still had a creative team and wasnt making movies just to make money.

and some of you will be like Finding Nemo and Incredables. well that was pixar, and apparently they had some to do with the writing.

as much as i hate to say it, disney is screwing its self.


and they are totally ruining handdrawn animation. they make crappy sequals, with handdrawn animation, people who see handdrawn asume its a crappy movie now days



Same here. I love animation. I even wanted to be an animator for Disney studios and work on traditional style animation. Now all they do is computer animation and stupid sequels. I missed the old movies : the Lion King , Little mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, etc.

I liked them when they had musical numbers and everything. Does anyone know if Disney will bring back Traditional animation to the theatres?
It doesn't look like it so far.


"Has anyone else noticed that the NOW disney has run out of ideas? its either a sequal or something already 3/4s written for them (narnia)..."

Okay, stop right there and just think about what you've just said. The NOW Disney has run out of ideas? Maybe because the THEN Disney used them all up already! In all the years of Disney animation, do you what their first original story was? It was The Lion King - the studio's 32nd animated classic. Every other story was 3/4s already written for them (as you so delightfully put it).

Disney stole ideas from folklore, the Brothers Grimm, and a whole host of other places. They then bent the stories over a table and raped them until they were family friendly. I'd bet if Disney did the story of the Titanic, the damn thing would float away and everyone would live - some fresh-faced young white kid with a love interest would sing a song and all would be happy ever after.

"I miss the 90s and below, when disney still had a creative team and wasnt making movies just to make money."

Hon, quick news flash for you... If a company don't make any money, they go out of business, really quickly. How do you think they find the money to make that one really good film? They release a load of cheap, crappy straight-to-DVD films and charge a fortune for the merchandise. Of course, in the olden days Disney made the animated shorts featuring Mickey and his pals and they raked in the money - but no one makes them anymore. It's all TV series and "feature length episode" now. If a studio doesn't keep making crap to get money, they get bought out... Warner Bros, anyone?

Besides, Disney have made some fantasitc animated films over the last few years and everyone turned their nose up at them. Examples like:

Treasure Planet - this was a good family film. It didn't try to be something it wasn't. It sat you down and said "I'm a bastardised version of a classic tale, so don't expect to much from me, okay?" and if you didn't expect it to be the studio's best film ever you would find that it actually was quite an enjoyable movie.

Home On The Range - who said cows couldn't act? I didn't want to like Home On The Range. Disney's last traditionally animated feature was being wasted on a trio of cows. The plot was stupid and childish - but do you know what? I had fun watching it, and Alan Menkin's soundtrack really hits the score.

Brother Bear - the Disney fans once again had faith in Disney after they pulled this one out of the bag, but the critics didn't really like it. This film was very clever in terms of putting across the whole "through anothers eyes" message by having the aspect ratio change after the transformation (something which sadly didn't make it to the DVD).

Everyone says how great Pixar is, but they've never managed to top Toy Story 2, and Finding Nemo was the worst film they had ever produced - how many soulless stereotypes can you fit into a single movie? The Incredibles was fantastic, but didn't quite have the magic that made the Toy Story series so great. The studio's next film - Cars - looks to be worse than Nemo, which is a great shame.

I think I've said enough, so to put all the above into a nice and easy paragraph for you... Wade through the crap and you'll finally get a movie you like. Disney make films for everyone, not just you - and if other people like the crap (and it sells, so someone must like it) then shut up and let the guys at The Mouse make the crap.


ok to TKRTigers or something...

you make a good point, aboout the always 34s written for them. but then why can't they make another 3/4s written GOOD thing again?!!! jack rabbit or w/e his name was. that could be good. i agree, i hated nemo, i hated incred. there was No comemdy at all, and CARS makes me want to throw someting at the TV when i see a preview. i didnt like home on the range. and thats what i think made them stick w/ CGI. they think that if you dont like a "try to bring something bakc" movie, then the thing u tried to bring back is long gone. but thats not true. if they just came out w/ Aladdin or Beauty and the Beast, today, people would still like it.

So when you were really just trying to insult me, i fail hilariously, because i agree with you.

Nice try though.


Wasn't trying to insult hon, just trying to force a couple of points home - which I obviously succeded in. Though I don't think my main point of "the studio has to make 'crap' to survive" quite filtered through... Nevermmind! Moving on...

I don't understand what all the Disney CGI fuss is about. Disney have been using CGI in pretty much every animated classic since Oliver & Company. You meantioned Beauty & the Beast - some scenes in that film had CG elements - the ballroom during the dance, for example. Remeber the book Belle holds during her first song, when she's telling the sheep (I think, while since I saw it) about the plot of the story - well, the pages in that book are CGI. Aladdin's flying carpet/rug thing was entirely CGI. The cart in New Groove was CGI, as was the log that the two main heroes went over the waterfall with.

Disney can do very good CGI.

In fact, Disney can (graphically) do very good CGI films. Need proof? (Here's where I get to try that whole linking thing again...)

Who remembers Disney's Dinosaur then? Now that's a throwback to the year 2000. Okay, the film was about exciting as a funeral but it shows you what they can do if they put their minds to it.

The only thing that worries me is Disney using 3D for the sheer hell of it. They've seen what Dreamworks and (Damn it, who makes Ice Age) can do - and they want a piece of that pie. Now Pixar have left them (I think there's one movie after Cars and then they split) I no longer think Disney have the ability to achieve what they did with Dinosaur. In my opinion, Disney should concentrate with entertainment. If that means using a computer to make 3D models, and then make them appear 2D, then so be it.

At least Eisner's not around anymore to ruin things - so you never know, things at The Mouse may just start to pick up. Maybe 2010-2020 can be the new era of great Disney movies!

Then you can stop complaining about the crap! ;p


I'm not positive, but i'm relatively sure pixar didn't do chicken little. which i greatly enjoyed.


There's nothing wrong with disney!!!

Now i agree about the sequels of Aladdin,cinderella and stuff like that but seriously. Sequels happen if the movie was awesome and people want to see more, now i love pixel. anything wrong with Shrek?????? but back to the subject! I loved this move and i wouldn't mind seeing the sequel, and the pirates of the Caribbean! The increibles and nemo WERE funny and Cars! You don't have any sense of humour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, I hated Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast and they sucked!


i have NOTHING against pirates of the Caribbean sequals, that was just a point that all they come out with nowadays ARE sequals. i am really ecxited to see it, it was just an example.

i know beauty and the beast and 90s animation movies had comp. backgrounds, and they were gorgeous. and i dont think that had they been handdrawn they would of been nearly as detailed. all i'm saying is that like you said, they are going over the top w/ CGI.

as for Woldschell:
WHAT?! u hated Aladdin!? omg, thats my all time fave. disney movie haha. i usesd to watched it everynight when i was little. see thats the kind of movie i want back! all they come out with nowadays (not disney of course :p) are killing, scary, sex, or drama movies. i can't think of a good comedy since....Hitch, and that was more of a romance.


btw, just heard, yesterday disney bought back pixar. so more comp. animation here we come....
can you hint my enthusiasm?


what is the website where it has the first 10 minutes of Bambii 2? i wanna check out the animation. i hope this movie does well.


I concur with anyone who said sequels for Disney are lame. Not only is Disney making sequels to their new movies, Brother Bear, but they are also making cheesy sequels to some of the older movies when Walt was still alive. Cinderella 2 is one and then there is also Bambi II which doesn't look like it will have the magic of the first one.
It really ticks me off that Disney's animation is dwindling down and the computer animation won't be successful for long. Cars looks ridiculous.


i agree. but i'm scared to say that this cinderella 3 does actually look pretty good. has anyone else seen the preveiw. its on the cinderella DVD. that animation is pretty close to the origional too, which is good.



The last of the great disney films out there that were acutally animated Were Lilo and Stitch, Brother Bear, and Treasure Planet.

Don't forget Finding Nemo! (Though it is Pixar. But Disney was part of it.)

"You're mocking me, aren't you?" - Buzz Lightyear in "Toy Story"
