Jason Marsden

I don't know why people are complaining about? Jason Marsden is really cool!! I just love his boyish voice. If you haven't seen the movie "Spirited Away" or cartoon "Static Shock" then you don't know Jason Marsden'talent well.



True that Joaquin should come back and make the voice of Kenai, but Jason Marsden is very cool, his voice is great. I heard that Joaquin couldn't do the voice because of his other works and movies that could interfer.


I remember him from TLK II, and he did a spectacular voice job for the lion Kovu. I have no doubts of his talents for this particular video, or any other video that he voices for. He rules in the voicing world! Yeah!



I think it kinda stinks that Joaquin Phoenix isn't voicing the bear anymore. However I don't think I could bare Jason Marsden doing the voice of keani(sorry if I spelled it wrong) I would always have a picture of Kovu in my head when he talks. However he might make a good bucky or binki lol. Anyway Jason has such great talents and I think this movie would be a waste of his talents. Only for the fact that the voice of Joaquin Phoenix and Jason Marsden are so different that you can compair them side to side and say sounds nothing alike. Anyway that is just my oppinion. I hope someone else has something to say on this.


"Anyway Jason has such great talents and I think this movie would be a waste of his talents."

Well, he's not voicing Kenai anyway. It's Patrick Dempsey for this one.

