MovieChat Forums > Brother Bear 2 (2006) Discussion > new disney films fact or fibb

new disney films fact or fibb

there as been a lot of talk of new films from disney

Aristocats II filming
bambi 2 compleated and releast on 7 th feb usa. direct to dvd
borther bear 2 compleatied and releast in the summer direct to dvd
fox and the hound 2 filming
so instead of waiting for posts on here is there a site that conferms the facts


Bambi 2- feb 6 fact
brother bear 2 & Fox & the Hound 2 are to be released later this year as well as Leroy & Stitch the final Lilo & Stitch feature.


Leroy & Stitch the final Lilo & Stitch feature.
how does any one know its the end??


Wasn't "Aristocats 2" canceled to give a bigger budget to "Tinker Bell: The Movie"? That's what I heard.

Love don't come easy, it's a game of give and take


i duno i thurght its out in 2007


Ok here's what I heard, take it for what its worth, I am taking them as rumors untill proven other wise.

In order:

Leroy and Stitch: This is set to come to video and dvd in April 2006. Disney is not making a final episode so they are making a DTV follow up like they did with even stevens and the proud family.
The movie looks good however I think they might be making some plot holes. However this movie is confirmed to make its way to dvd this year.

Brother Bear II: This is set to make its way to dvd this August 2006. It is the continuing tale of Kenai as he makes his way across the land at the end of the ice age. There he runs into former human friend named Nita who he grew up with.
The movie from I gathered from previews is about Rutt and Tuke finding mates and Kenai trying to rekindle something from Nita. Nita is also voiced by the very talented Mandy Moore. This is all the information I have on this title as of yet.

Fox and the Hound II: I have heard a few different rumors about this movie and I am not certain which is true. I have seen the preview and I think it looks cute, however I heard that the movie is taking place when Todd and Copper are older and they are remembering back to a not to distant summer of fun.
I also heard that its just a midquel that makes no sence and really doesn't fit in. However I think the Disney artist will surprise us.

The Little Mermaid III: This is due out on dvd in 2007, I have heard that it is going to be the final chapter in the TLM series. I know one person who was working on this project and they said that it will be very interesting how Disney gives us a final farewell to our favorite film. I was online and I was searching threw and I found a book called The Little Mermaid Reflections of Arsula. The cover had Ariel, or a mermaid who looks identical. and another mermaid who looks like she is up to no good.
I have also heard that it is supposed to be a compilation of episodes from the series however my friend confirmed that this is not the case. I am glad to see Disney producing better movies for their sequels. This movie sounds like it is going to be interesting.

Cinderella III: This movie is due out early 2007. I beleve it is due in February however don't take my word for it yet untill its confirmed. However the movie is about Cinderella and Lady Tramane. LT finds the fairy god mothers wand and realises that there is something she can do to alter the happy ending we all knew. She uses the wand to conjure up a spell and presto before you know it Cinderella is back at the starting point. Ok here's a solution, she knows she danced with the prince, she knows the slipper is hers, so whats stopping her? The slipper doesn't fit. It seems everything is turning upside down for our most beloved princess. How will she break the spell how will everything turn out right for her.
Guess well all have to wait and see.
The preview is on Cinderella Platinum Edition.

Dumbo II: This movie was recently shelved due to story problems. However the story is back on the table and being worked on. This movie from what I heard is supposed to make its way onto dvd for the holiday season of 2007, or the begining of 2008.
This has been one of the greatest anticipations for me, as I am a diehard Dumbo Fan. I think it would be nice to meet new characters and show something that kids will take a huge intrest in. I mean come on when was the first time you saw an elephant fly?

Aristocats II: I just heard from Buena Vista Home Entertainment and they are saying that this movie is not in their system which means that the production of the film has been shelved.

This is all the info I have on the titles, I hope this helps out.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.


i read on imdb
Aristocats II
is filming
i hope they dont pull the plugg on this

everybody wants to be a cat


Hey peanut I totally agree with you, however from what I was told from BVHE they said that it is no longer in production nor is it in their computer anylonger. I am so sorry to be the barrer of bad news.
However who knows maybe it will get to see the light of day after all.
I hope so anyway.

Well thats all I have for now.


any news a boght jungle book 3??


To be honest I never looked into it, however I hope so, it would be nice to see Mowgli as an adult and Shanti too. I hope they have a daughter or something who is crazy about the Jungle. Who knows maybe Mowgli and her will be nothing alike, and she will be encouraged by Shanti to try and uderstand her fathers world. And in doing so she retreats to the jungle and meets a new foe. A new black panther who she thinks is Bagerah, (sorry if I mis-spelled it)
And this panther could be out to try and do something Sher Kahn never could. Destroy man.

Well thats my version of what would happen so far.
However Mowgli would hear of his daughter in the jungle run after her and Shanti would be at his side. All the animal would gather together to stop the panther. Or heres another idea for a new movie. Base it off the show Jungle Cubs. I mean it was a real show and it shows what life was like before the mancub showed up. It was a great series in my oppinion, I know theres other out there who agree, and than again those who don't. Well thats all I have for now.
Take care


cant you plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
i wana see it


I will call first thing Monday. However if you like you can call yourself. The phone number is toll free.


I call and annoy these people at least 2 tiems a week.

I will call however and see if there is anything on it. Can't make any promises though if it is ever a reality.

However I like the idea of Jungle Cubs

take care peanut



thanks for letting me know very kind of you

the box set
as since been deleatied
it would be a dream come true to see
the 3rd film

reply more disney sequels, and definitely no more un-nesscessary sons and daughters for Disney characters! >:/


I can't believe they're making a 2nd Fox & the Hound. I loved that movie. But it's been way too long for a 2nd one. Plus I dont like it when it's not really continued. (They're young again).
I am excited about Brother Bear 2. Hopefully it is well done. It is going to be continued and not a flashback movie so that's good.


Are ANY of these sequels actually going through? I could have sworn I read somewhere (sorry, I do not have the source) that said that John Lassetter (the new head of Disney Animation) has stopped all production of the "generic" Disney sequels.....a sequel should only be made if the STORY is worth it, not just for money's sake. To me, ALL of these movies sequels stories sound like cash-in's to me....none of them had a storyline that is so different to make it either BETTER than the original or something CLOSE to it!

I don't mind sequels, but I do agree with Lassetter in that a sequel should only be made if it is worthy to be made, not just for a profit. (e.g. see Cinderella II (gahhh) or any of the other Disney sequels that didn't need to be made (Aladdin 2: Return of Jafar) although the third Aladdin was an improvement on the 2nd!) but it's stuff like that, you see?)
