3rd Episode

Ok so I am the biggest fan of this show and watched the original air in july. I loved the first episode. The second was good but not as amazing. Now the 3rd Episode aired and while I did have a few moments of good laughs I found my self thinking "Man even for this show it makes NO SENSE!" Now im not saying i hate it or wont watch it cause i will. But does anyone else see the trend gone from random humor to insane persons thought pattern?


more like, it went from random humor to "hey i have an idea! our followers are so stupid, we'll just put whatever out there and they'll watch! see, i'll prove it!". and if this isn't an experiment to that effect, then i have no idea wtf they were thinking.

[email protected]


You kiddin me? Its the insanity that makes this show hilarious!


it doesn't come off as "insanity", though... at least, not to me. it's more like stupidity because it's just trying too hard. ATHF had "insanity", but this just bores me. every episode so far feels like it takes three hours to finish. i'm watching it now, and it feels like i've been drugged, melted into the floor, and run over by rabid shriners. not in the good way, the good way exacted by ATHF and sealab 2021.

[email protected]


I dont know how you can like sealab at all. Anyway the 4th epiosde aired and I actually thought it was pretty funny. Better than Ep 2 but I also got the feeling that they have a story line. the thing is they just dont seem to care about it. But I have got to say this is about the only show on Adult Swim I actually plan to watch. I know its crazy but I actually need to see how it can make less and less sense everytime.


good lord Sealab is terrible.. no humor whatsoever..

I'm telling you people, this show isnt random.. pay attention to the details..


Don't ever talk that way about Sealab again. Okay, you can, but I prefer you not to. It is funny, until the actor who played Captain Murphy died. That wasn't funny.

"slower and more calculated, no chance of escape, now self-employed, concerned (but powerless)"


hehehe now that was a funny response.. keep watching sealab, you're evidently not a moron...


I love sealab and 12 oz is not like sealab its just crap


Of course it's not like Sealab. It would be boring if all the AS show were the same.


yeah... its not sealab at all.. its original, funny, and deep...


yea its deep. Like seriously...it reminds me of the end of a basketball
