MovieChat Forums > Highlander: The Search for Vengeance (2007) Discussion > can someone recommend to me on good anim...

can someone recommend to me on good anime films

i saw a couple and my favourite director of all time is miyazaki, i saw vempire hunter d and ninga scroll and i want someone to recommend on more good and very stylish and violent more like vempire hunter d less like miyazaki to me.
and is this film worth watching?

sorry if i have spelling mistakes


This film is definitely worth watching! You really can't go wrong with this story and this director. I would also suggest you check out Berzerk, Bleach and Reign the Conquerer. here is a youtube link to the trailer for Search for Vegeance.


This film is definitely worth watching! You really can't go wrong with this story and this director

Mmhmm, especially since Kakibar liked D and Ninja Scroll, which were done by the same animation studio (Madhouse) and the same director (Kawajiri) as Search for Vengeance.



Well you cant lose with Kawajiri

Highlander The Search for Vengeance Trailer


He definitely has a good track record and, judging by the Playonline article, it doesn't look like that'll be changing with this. :)



fist of the north star
neon evangelian

neon evangelian
heat guy j

yes this movie is worth watching.

"What makes you think I'm not?"


Man, I totally forgot to suggest Akira, but I always assume everyone has seen it.

Highlander The Search for Vengeance Trailer


ghost in the shell
wolf brigade (jin-roh)
blue submarine no6
shin angyou onshi

if u wanna some serious gore

devilman (OVAS)
angel cop

must see series

berserk (pretty bloody)
cowboy beebop
fullmetal alchemist

the list goes on... lots of excelent stuff out there


millennium actress
and the patlabor movies
besides all the others that other peoble have recomended you


Hi, you should definitely try these series:

- Hellsing ( not best anime series ever but has vampires and loads of gore and is pretty stylish )

- Fullmetal Alchemist ( only sometimes violent but worth a mention as it's one of the best series out there )

- Bleach ( also not always blatantly violent, however it does fulfill the stylish part very well and has insane fights later on, it's a very long running series though so be prepared to become addicted )

- Gungrave ( pretty violent series, half of it is mafia style killing which is very stylish and cool, the other half becomes a mutant gore fest, pretty awesome )


A couple of my favorites:

- Gantz (Extreme violence, sci-fi horror, insane amount of nudity, very addictive series)

- Perfect Blue (Great psychological / Slasher thriller movie)

- Requiem from the darkness (Great moody horror series with some interesting Asian mythology and art)


There is a ridiculous amount of anime out there and a lot of it is crap. However there are some diamonds in the rough it's simply a matter of finding it, and what types of anime you prefer.

First and foremost, in my opinion, is Cowboy Bebop, it has an amazing story, great animation, it's well dubbed, and has an awesome soundtrack. Along those same lines I'd also say FLCL is a must for the same reasons. After those there are others that are good for different reasons. Lodoss War if like Lord of the Rings and D&D. Ghost in the Shell series if like complex characters and political story lines. Evangelion if you want a very confusing and complicated show with a story loosely based on the end times prophesied by the bible. All these shows are really good and you should give them a try.

One last thing you said you like Miyazaki but have you seen all of his stuff, if not some musts are The Cat Returns, Porco Rosso, Kiki's delivery service, Totoro, and Spirited Away.
