
Got it yesterday and watched it. After a long wait i found it to be... disappointing.

It wasn't bad, mind you. But none of the parties involved did anything out of the average. the animation was good, but not a stretch for Kawajiri-san. The story? well. Convoluted and Clusterfeckish is what comes to mind. They keep trying to retell the first movie, while at the same time, not. It's like they can't make up they're minds.

(Between you and me, I think this had way too much ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK in it.)

Why do they keep trying to reinvent the wheel? Colin? Why not focus on Connor. (Hell I would have settled for Duncan). Colin was as two dimensional as the medium telling his story.

And what is this fascination with post apocalyptic worlds that keep creeping up in sequels?

Highlander fans might like parts of this as will anime fans. But this is mostly going through the paces. It's very, very, adequate, but not worth all the hype.

as for the franchise? still waiting for Godot.

Get it if you want, just don't expect miracles.


They keep trying to retell the first movie, while at the same time, not. It's like they can't make up they're minds.

No, all the sequels and series try and retell the first movie, this is different, because there's nothing in this that suggests that it's set in the same continuity as any of the other Highlander movie, however there's nothing saying that it's not and it was purposely done that way.

(Between you and me, I think this had way too much ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK in it.)

Not really.

It's more like the cliche/steriotypical story of the rich vs the poor society based thing like Equilibrium, Ultra Violet, Aeon Flux, Land of The Dead, etc, etc, ie there's always the rich or protected that live in some tower or nice city surounded by the crappy parts and the poor, with the rich always being viewed as the bad and the poor being the good, and the poor always have some form or resistence or freedom fighters or whatever.

Why do they keep trying to reinvent the wheel? Colin? Why not focus on Connor. (Hell I would have settled for Duncan).

They were NOT trying to reinvent the wheel, nor did they want to have to deal with anything pre-established like Conor or Duncan.

They designed it so that anybody could like it fan or not. For instance with End Game, you basicly have to be a Highlander fan to get it or like it, where as with this anybody can like it, or it has no specific target audience, which is for the better.

And really after F'ing up the normal continuity with Conor, Duncan, etc, so many times did you really want to see them do it again?

Also what don't you understand about the fact that for every different medium of Highlander there is there's always a new Macleod?

Movies - Conor
TV - Duncan
Animated Series - Quentin
Anime - Colin

Get the pattern now? There's always a new main character for every new medium. They're always named Macleod, wear a trenchcoat, use a katana, and have long hair at one time or another.

And what is this fascination with post apocalyptic worlds that keep creeping up in sequels?

I don't know, but this isn't a sequel, it's meant to be a stand alone movie based on existing franchise.


I haven't seen the first HIghlander movie, only the 2nd, 3rd and 4th. I thought they were all crap with the exception of the 4th one which was decent. This one I liked more than the others maybe because it stands alone and it's a fresh start. I would've liked the ending to be different though. Like 50 years pass or something and he meets with yet another reincarnation of Moira.

Who was Amergan anyway? He just shows up and gives Collin advice. But were does he come from, who is he and why does he follow Collin around? I thought he was a cool character even though they didn't talk much about him. When I saw him for the first time I thought "Oh no here we have the obligatory horny old man" but he turned out pretty good.

Then there was the mutants. They looked cool. I would've wished to see more of them. Maybe in a sequel. A more darker and horror like sequel. Something like Bloodlust. I mean the world is pretty much destroyed so who knows what creatures lurk outside the cities.


You sooooooo have to see the first Highlander. Everything that came after is no place to start. But I must warn you that once you have, you'll experience that same depression we have all gotten due to the low quality of everything the franchise has put out since (with the occasional exception).

If you do see it, you'll see how much of the Anime was inspired by the original movie. I agree with you about the gaping hole that should have explained what the ghost druid was about.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE go see the first Highlander, then let me know what you thought of it.


I'm hoping they'll tell a little bit more about him in the Directors cut. From what I could gather the ghost, as he said, was a druid priest, probably one of the druids who built/worshiped at Stonehenge. Colin just happened to die at Stonehenge so I guess the ghost who was hanging around there took an interest in him. Really they just needed a character to explain to Colin and to the audience what immortals are and what's going on as well as try and teach Colin that he's throwing his immortal life away for revenge.


I really enjoyed this one. There's alot of crappy anime action movies out there and it felt a little Ninja Scroll and Hokuto no Ken:ish.
