About time!!

I'm glad they finally began to show the Immortals as they were originally meant to be shown as: Stronger, Faster and Tougher than the best human warriors and athletes.

I mean,I had a hard time believing that in the show and movies, since it almost never seemed like they did anything superhuman, aside shrug off injuries like they were nothing and recovering really, really fast. There was the occasional moment of superhuman capabilities, but nothing amazing. Here in Vengeance, you get to see the Immortals present, moving at amazing speeds while fighting, leaping 30+ feet into the air, ripping things out of the ground and throwing them with great force, knocking each other with great force, etc., etc.

I was glad to see this, because visually, to me, this is a confirmation, that being an Immortal, in the Highlander Universe, not only allowed for you to survive gruesome injuries that would kill normal Humans, but granted you amazing physical abilities and such. I know that the Immortals get stronger and gain more knowledge when they experience the Quickening, after slaying another Immortal, but to see that visually, is rewarding.

Also, I found the setting to be interesting. I've always liked the post-apocalyptic setting, and I figured it would be the next step for Highlander, since they've shown them in almost every time period. I don't count Highlander The Quickening as post-apocalyptic; not in the slightest. Visually, It was very enjoyable to see Highlander the Search for Vengeance in a post-apocalyptic setting, in my opinion.

Now, I have some questions: What the Hell is with Malik? The Guy looks a bit demonic. And He's an Immortal? What the Hell is he? Like some sort of Mutated Immortal or something? I don't remember any Immortals in the series looking like that. They had Ahriman in the last season of the TV series, but even then, he didn't look like a 7 foot tall slab of muscle and bone, with pointed ears and teeth and cat slit eyes.

and what was the whole point of having Kyala in there? All she did, was look sinfully naughty, act seductively naughty, and die in a gruesome, but awesome fashion. The grenade in the mouth bit was awesome. she really didn't do much, and aside those big ass needles that she used to stab other people with, I'm wondering what She used to take the heads of other Immortals? I doubt it was with those needles.

Well, those are my thoughts for now. I'm sure I'll have more later on, but for now, this is all I have for now. Any thoughts and comments are welcome.

"Fear should never be the reason why we never do anything."
