
I love the highlander concept. I think it is gold! None of the live action movies have done any justice at all, especially the last one. It is good to see someone is starting to get it right. I give this film 8/10

Oh and giving the highlanders speed and powers +10 Finally!!!!


ok.. about rating, all of 'my movies', except 1 or 2, are 10 rated...

[and yeah i know i shouldnt do this, but i do.. movin'on]

so, yesterday i went to cinemateque to see both highlander,
the anime version was free if u previously buy the 'normal' highlander ticket.

aahah! was my reaction, i mean... i saw both trailers and the anime version sounded lots better than the source...

as usual, my intuition was right...

anime highlander ftw! twas till now, one of the best 2007's movies.

the source, was, lol easy-goin, lets put it this way, it became a comedy, i laugh a lot, so as some other guys... or maybe we, portuguese, are a bunch of sadists, dunno, i laughed a lot.

so, 10 rated, deserving it :)

oh, btw, do u believe that '28 weeks later' as not yet been released here?


