
I think this film made a goof when Colin first sensed Marcus. In the 125 A.D. flashback they show Colin sneaking around Marcus' camp and Colin starts thriving in pain with a headache; sensing an immortal. Now Colin's immortality had not been triggered, so there would be no way he could sense other immortals yet.


Actually, Connor felt the Kurgan before he was killed by him. I don't remember seeing it happen, but I remember the conversation with Ramirez where he mentions it.


Yeah, that never made sense either. That's one technical detail that I'm glad they changed for the series, because there's no way that a someone with the "seed" could feel an immortal.


I don't think so. They've shown an immortal can sense an immortal-to-be in most of the series. I don't find it hard to fathom that a latent immortal could have some feeling when an immortal is around, whether they realized it or not.
