Gregory Widen??

I have always wondered why Gregory Widen hasn't been allowed to write stories for the Franchise? I'm sure it's either a legal technicality or a personal choice. Kind of like alan moore not wanting to have his name associated with the V for Vendetta Movie.

Seeing as how the first Highlander is the best, and he was involved in the whole invention of... well.. everything. (read the first draft of the original screenplay, it explains somethings which are cool like how Connor was actually more powerful than Ramirez because the lifeforce was stronger with him and Ramirez saw it as his purpose to aid connor so that he would be able to stand against the equally or more powerful Knight , which was Kurgan original name.) But I digress.

Widen was also involved in an extra rewrite.

So how cool would it have been if the actual creator of Highlander had teamed up with Kawajiri and come up with something which didn't smack of rehashed concepts.

Anyone know why Widen doesn't have anything to do with Highlander?


From what I have heard on the official Highlander message boards, Widen always considered Highlander a single story. The film has a definite beginning and end so he never considered the possibility of sequels (Davis and Panzer, the producers, were the ones who took over the franchise and storyline from Widen). Now supposedly Gregory Widen wrote the first draft to the movie that became Highlander Endgame (the Sanctuary is the only story element to make it into that movie).


I guess I respect and agree with him about Highlander being a one shot deal, yet I thought the anime and the vairious incarnations would have been awesome if they were used to explore variations of Connor and his adventures ( animation in particular being good at this since cartoons characters don't have to age.)

I just remember seeing H:TSFV and thinking how cool if it had been Connor.

Am I the only one who thinks that if anyone can sort of reboot this franchise it should be the one who started it in the first place?


They never should have made anything set after the first movie. There was plenty of room in the films back story for any number of prequels. And prequels would not have screwed everything up with all kinds of retcons, and alternate timelines.
