Nazi Marcus...

So during the flashback scenes when it's showing Colin and Marcus and the history of their 2000 year feud, there's a scene where they're serving in WWII. Colin's flying a plane for the allies, while Marcus is apparently a Nazi general. Now, am I the only one who thought this was hokey? Sure, the Nazi empire may have reminded Marcus of Rome and whatnot, but you say symbolism, I say Itchy and Scratchy. It felt like they were trying to beat us over the head with the fact that he's evil. And the fact that Colin is constantly failing to kill Marcus, it felt a bit like Wille E. Coyote, too. Just my two cents.


Nazi German sure would please the power thirst of Marcus, it is only fitting that he would go there and blend in until he could be the leader.


I agree. Whilst I was very intrigued to see WWII warplanes in action, and being realised so carefully in animation here, I felt that the bit where Colin lands on the wing of the German plane was just a bit too far. I know that this is a film of fantasy battle sequences but that realy was, as you say, Wille E Coyote-like!

Perhaps there's a deleted scene just before this one that showed Colin strapping on a pair of Acme brand wing walking shoes?

Or maybe there's a deleted bit after this moment where the tip of the wing starts to give way, cracks completely, then drops with a sort-of slide whistle sound. Colin's face deflates as he seemingly floats on air for a moment, looks sadly at Marcus, then plummets to the ground throwing up a little puff of dust...


Considering the Nazi-like society Marcus eventually constructs it's basically just foreshadowing and works fine with Marcus's character who was obsessed with imperial power.

Yeah the scenes were a little silly though, "MARCUUSSS!" *killed* repeat. I liked it but I thought it was funny which probably wasn't intended.
