Yoshiaki kawajiri anime genius

This Highlander anime is in excellent hands...

Trust me, I've seen the trailer and its just gorgeous.


Gorgeous yes but I have yet to be convinced about the depth as I though Bloodlust was a serious case of style over substance. And it was too damn funny. Vampire Hunter D needed to be serious not about a wisecracking hand.

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look realy un-evolved? - Bill Hicks



I can't believe Yoshiaki Kawajiri chose to work on something as dull as Highlander. Seriously; A time-travelling Lorenzo Lamas lookalike with a samurai sword... Highlander is the Boy George of science fiction movies.

Still, this movie might still be edible because of one key ingredient: Yoshiaki Kawajiri, even though he might just be in it for the money this time.




Wish it had Yutaka Minowa at lead char. designs though but I'll take what I can get. Madhouse forever!
