What was cut?!

Absolutely loved the movie. I watched it on PBS. According to other posters about 4 minutes of it were cut out by PBS. Anyone know what those 4 minutes were about?


OK, I just got this on DVD, so I can finally answer. It seems to me that lots of little bits of scenes were cut (nothing longer than ten seconds) throughout the movie. However, that may just be my memory playing tricks. The only longish bit that was cut was a scene where the guy who saw Dick and Fancy kissing in the woods blabs to Dick's father about it. Another one (I can't recall whether this was on PBS or not) was a scene where the choir musicians fell asleep during one of Maybold's sermons, and the string bass player accidentally slid is bow across the bass as he fell asleep, which woke everyone else up, thinking they were supposed to be playing. Those were the two big ones.


I'm glad they were included in the DVD. They were both funny scenes: Parson Maybold was preaching about "temperance," while the choir had taken in too much cider. Suddenly the bow slipped and the choir all started playing and singing, with Dick yelling at them all to stop. It sure livened up the service!

And then Thomas Leaf spilled the secret about seeing Dick and Fancy kissing passionately in the woods; Dick warning him to "keep it to himself"! Thomas couldn't keep a secret, and Dick took off after him, both dashing around the table, creating a ruckous.
