James Murray's performance

Was anyone else impressed by Jame's Murray's acting in this film? He's a handsome face, sure (remind anyone of Rob Lowe?), but I think his acting really made the part. I found his expressions and body language particularly to be outstanding. His movements did a lot of portraying the progression from 'boy' falling for girl to a man knowing he had to provide for her, care for her, win her ... all the while portraying his incredible attraction to her.

Hawes' performance lacked a bit of the corresponding depth, I thought. I found myself having to read between her lines and actions to discover what she was feeling. She came across rather forthright in all of the kissing scenes as well, which I didn't care for. I would have wanted the kiss in the woods at least to have been more scared and unsure rather than ... attacking. Perhaps that was just me.

Overall, Murray's performance is DEFINITELY worth watching again. Very enchanting.

PS: I found this movie at my library! How lucky am I?!



Hi, ludie! :)

You must have been on 'through the night' ... and followed some of my threads as well. What a compliment!

I'm glad someone agrees with me on this movie. I would love to see Murray in more things, but his profile says he does more on British TV than movies, so ... I don't know that I'm likely to. Keely Hawes on the other hand ... clearly has something of a darling status in the UK, but I'm not sure why. Her acting is quite lackluster, in my opinion. I've seen her act in a few things now, and ... there's very little depth or creativity in her performances. She seems rather two-dimensional. This movie is very cute, (and you've inspired me to go get it again) but I think her casting/performance is one thing I would have liked to see done differently.

PS: if you hear of Murray in anything else I might see, let me know, k?


"Well Jane? Are you overwhelmed?"
~Mr Rochester
Jane Eyre 2006

