MovieChat Forums > Igor (2008) Discussion > Don't be fooled by the trailer---Not goo...

Don't be fooled by the trailer---Not good for kids!

I was ready to leave after the first 15 minutes! (After probably the word Kill or Murder was mentioned at least 10 times) A suicidal rabbit drinking poison, and chewing off his own feet? A evil scientist telling them to shove the pickle where the sun doesn't shine, and his abusive relationship with his girlfriend, retorting shut your pie hole? Did I mention the brainwashing of the not-so-evil Eva with an Axe Murder video?

There is dark humor, but then again, there is selling out for cliches and sick and distorted images or word choice at the expense of the innocence of young children.

Parents, think twice about this one...Don't just assume it's just some cutesy Halloween movie...the trailer is nothing like the real movie.

Of course, it ends with sunshine and happiness, but I'm more concerned about the effect the first part has on children than the ending where blind orphans sing "I can see clearly now..."



Grow up, whimp.


Right back at ya.




First of all, that comment of yours showed real maturity. So who needs to grow up. This forum is for a discussion of the film not calling names. Discuss!

I'm concerned that this movie is misrepresented as a cutesy feel good somewhat dark movie, nothing like it was. Did you see the movie???

And for perniciouspen, if you hate kids at movie theaters, don't go to children's films.


First, since it sounds as if you didn't know, a "pie hole" is a mouth.

And for perniciouspen, if you hate kids at movie theaters, don't go to children's films.
You said yourself this isn't a good film for kids. (Though most of the reasons you mention are things most kids would find delightful.)

See, this is where all too many Americans have a blind spot - just because it's animated doesn't autmatically make it a "kid's film". Rent "Persepolis" or "Triplets of Belleville" and see if those films - widely acclaimed worldwide as a great animation - seem like "kid's films" to you.


I understand you feelings. At first, I was surprised as well. The cleavage that jaqueline/heide shows is umm, quite noticeable. On the other hand, any movie that is about evil scientists is bound to have some death references.

...have you ever seen a human heart? It looks like a fist covered in blood.


First, let me just say I'm one of those stuck-up losers who likes the MPAA and thinks kids should not be exposed to the promotion of violence, foul language, sexuality, etc from too young of an age. That said; I didn't really have much of a problem with 'Igor''s content because while the humor was quite dark and morbid, to me it was done in a witty comical way and not just crude humor.

It reminded me very much of the stories of "Edward Gorey" in it's darkness yet aimed toward kids, however, I think this was done in a way that will get some laughs out of both adults and children, yet not in a way that will promote kids going out and shooting rabbits in the head or poking fun at blind orphans.


>>First, let me just say I'm one of those stuck-up losers who likes the MPAA<<

Ah, so you're an idiot?


An idiot for liking the MPAA?
Doubtful. They seem pretty intelligent to me. Perhaps they just like to know what they are watching and what kind of graphics they are exposing children and other people too.


I hope people take heed of the OP's comments..coz the film sounds great and I hate kids in the cinema!


In MY movie?


it's a parents job to find out stuff about a movie before they go to see it's called parenting, get off you butt and do it


That's right: a GOOD parent will go see each any every movie that comes out as soon as it does so that way they can know exactly what to take their children to. Right?


It's moar likely than you think.


hey zac, there something called the internet or newspapers that you can get reviews from...and not checking either of those means you're a lazy parent


But then you criticize the OP for trying to help out that cause by directly telling parents not to take their kids to see the movie?


it's rated pg not g..just cause it's animated doesn't mean it's a kid's movie...the way his first post was sounding like he didn't take the time do any research about the film and was mad


I knew this would happen. It does have a morbid sense of humor, but its never mean or cruel. I hate over sensitive people who think just because theres a refence to violence their child will be warped for life. Get over it. Your precious angel isnt going to be traumatized. Its no more violent than a Bugs Bunny cartoon. It just has darker images. Theres nothing wrong with darkness in a kids movie! Look at The Wizard of Oz (Book, not film), Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel, Three Little Bears etc. There is some downright heavey crap in those stories. Yet they have stayed childrens classics for years. Children are tougher than people give them credit for. A kid isnt gonna be an axe murderer because a cartoon bunny off's himself in a comical way.


>just cause it's animated doesn't mean it's a kid's movie

...Not much in it to keep the adults interested. Wonder who the target market was? Probably hot with the pre-teen, pre-goth crowd.


I disagree.

As a child this type of film was my favorite. Films with real issues of mental illness and death on display are important for kids. Kids are aware of these things and the humor in this film helps to resolve the questions and fears children have about these issues by making it funny and thus life affirming.

,Said the Shotgun to the Head--
Saul Williams


I went to see this with my 11 year old daughter yesterday. Let me just say that she is a very tender-hearted child, not doing anything to hurt or upset others. She does not enjoy watching violence nor is she is any way a violent child.

We both really enjoyed the movie. She thought it was the best animated movie she had seen in a while. She thinks it is just as good as her other animated favorites, most of which are Disney films. I asked her specifically about the concerns raised here and she did not agree. She thought the rabbit chewing off his own feet was gross and funny. She did think that the female character showed too much boob but then she thinks most everyone everywhere on TV and movies does that. She thought the blind kids singing at the end was not mean.

I found the movie amusing. I thought the writing was clever and the actors did a great job. It certainly isn't the best animated movie I've ever seen but it certainly wasn't the worst either. But to be fair, I don't see animated films for Oscar winning performances or though provoking social commentary.


Both my kids felt the movie was not really a kid's movie and a little too offensive and they're both under 13 years old.


You also likely poisoned the question with your own opinion. The kids, wanting approval, agreed.

,Said the Shotgun to the Head--
Saul Williams


I never said a word. They spoke up for themselves. Surprised me too.


"She did think that the female character showed too much boob but then she thinks most everyone everywhere on TV and movies does that."

You've raised that girl right; good job! Way too many girls start thinking at their age just the opposite.
