My kids loved the game but I haven't played yet. I was just wondering why the Hitman avoided sex. Is it always or just when he is doing a job.


Well.. he is a genetically-enhanced clone so I'm assuming the people who created him made sure he didn't have a sex drive so he could devote himself completely to his job.


I am assuming that answer is for the game. Because in the the movie he said that they were orphans. Granted the training they were put through was intense similar to that of Kurt Russels character in "Soldier". With Similar results.

I wonder it seems to me that such extreme denial of the sexual self to fulfill some other for lack of a better word devotion might cause problems elsewhere.

ie In soldier they replaced family with the squad. I would assume any excess energy that might be expended on sex was turned into training and complete self control. But they still had the platoon for socialization of some sort.

Hitman has the training and the rerouting of impulse however without some type of social network (as it seems once they mature they all work alone) What would be the incentive after awhile. In the movie he seemed to have an interest but it was as if he had been (I am afraid I forget the proper term at the moement) negatively trained. I thought he liked looking at her would have like to touch her but thought if he did it would have a bad outcome.

It seems to me one works for a family or an idea. Soldier had his platoon and the military heirarchy basically he sublimates his sexuality for the greater good of the organization. Hitman had jobs no one to be "social" or share any ideas. Human nature being what it is (using the film version of his origins) his natural urges would have to come out in some form. After all what would he do between jobs. (In the movie it said he normally like a certain amount of time between jobs)


The thing with 47 is that he does what he does for a couple of main reasons:

1. Killing is what he does best. His entire childhood had been spent training to kill without mercy and silently. Death and killing is all he's known, so it's natural for him to have become an assassin.

2. 47 has a certain pride about his work. He knows he's good at what he does, and he knows he's the best. Assassination is the job he was made for, and he knows that.

These are his main incentives. He doesn't need or desire anything other than money. He even admits this Hitman 2. The film doesn't make this too clear, unfortunately, but he never looks at Nika as if he wants to "touch" her. He just never met or interacted with anyone like her. He's has no sexual interest in her. He sees parts of himself in her.

Also, you compare 47 to a soldier. I don't think it's very good example mainly because a soldier's training and the things 47 has been through are very different.

Because Cthulhu's like that...


I am not saying his training is like "a" soldier but like Kurt Russels in the movie "Soldier". Training for one thing and one thing only. Kill in the most efficient mannner with nothing left over for a "normal life"


This may not be the case, but as a woman, I definitely thought he wanted to touch her. His problem was he felt so inadequate in doing so. He is so unfamiliar with his natural instincts that, he can't trust himself enough to act on them. It's kind of like he is a victim of abuse (which he is actually). When someone is violated in a way that obstructs the natural progression of experiencing healthy social relationships such as friendship, sex, etc., they tend to not be able to trust there own judgement in such matters. They don't know how to behave positively in such situations. Some of the time, these victims tend to avoid these situation that relate directly to their abuse. Sometimes when they are faced directly with the healthy social experiences that were either denied them or taken away from them, they reject them in order to function in the manner they are most comfortable with. This is how I see the situation with Niko. In a way, she was just as reluctant as he was for the same reasons.


I thought there was some religious aspect to it. I haven't played all the games, so I wouldn't know, but I thought that was why.


There is that too. Those were monks who trained them, eh?


I like your answer. Cause I felt he wanted to touch her but that he didn't know what would happen if he gave into the impulse.


i agree, and we that when he rejects the woman in the beginning, afterwards he's looking at a magazine of how to deal with woman. cuz its somethign foreign to him.


I think your take on the question is right but not completely right. Watching the film for the second time I kept thinking of Agent K in MBII warning Agent J not to "get emotionally involved." It's not until the final scenes that 47 can be certain that Nika will not be named as one of his hits, and in one alternate ending she is indeed gunned down by another hitman in a passing car. In addition there is the dead hitman on the roof with 47 at the end, and 47 says to him "I told you to leave her alone. You should have listened." So logic indicates that Nika may still be in danger even though the actual ending is supposed to be happy, and we're meant to believe that 47 has become Nika's guardian angel. The people who conditioned him had to be smart enough to realize that repressed sexual energy is usually re-channeled in unpredictable ways, and the last thing they want in their agents is unpredictability. So my take is that 47 and other hitmen are allowed to engage in recreational sex when they're off duty, and the incurable romantic in me wants to believe that when 47 says "I'll find you" to Nika on the train he means it literally.


You misinterpret an emotional relationship with a sexual relationship. It's obvious 47 had feelings for Olga and they were a liability (Olga prevented him from killing the police officer is one example), his feelings just weren't expressed in a sexual manner. More accurately 'expressing his feelings' and having a friend were entirely alien things to him, it's no wonder their interactions are rather ridiculous and awkward.

I give in my top post.


This may not be the case, but as a woman, I definitely thought he wanted to touch her. His problem was he felt so inadequate in doing so. He is so unfamiliar with his natural instincts that, he can't trust himself enough to act on them. It's kind of like he is a victim of abuse

Well that's my problem (one of) with this film. It's supposed to be about Agent 47 not some metrosexual gaycurious sensitive yet reluctant and socially awkward hero, who falls in love with the (very hot) random sexy girl
I'm not criticizing your point, you describe what the movie makers did it's just ridiculous, he's Hitman, he's Agent 47, it's like I were to film a movie about Conan the barbarian or Kratos and it was like this kind of *beep*

Omae wa mo shinde iru


It's a little bit of both. Extreme religious devotion to a practice (in this case assassination) and child abuse in being raised since infancy to be an assassin.

The people who raised him were a renegade offshoot of the catholic church. And since the church is anti sex and woman, they would have not tolerated any form of sexual activity whatsoever. And because 47 is the best of the best, he was successful in completely eliminating his sexual drive and sublimating it to something else. I presume his clockwork precision mind and incredible self control.

He's a virgin and has probably never even had a sexual thought since his infancy.

His attraction to Olga was because they shared a similar past, in other words it was entirely spiritual. Olga interprets this as being indifference, saying 'you don't want to *beep* me or kill me', she had never met a man like him before. For him to enter into a sexual relationship with Olga would be the equivalent of the Dalai Lama gutting a baby. Out of character and completely superfluous.

The religious aspect is reflected in the game when he attempts to retire by becoming a monk, but is unsuccessful.

The theme is probably inspired by a renegade muslim sect called the Hashshasins (this is where the word assassination originates) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hashshashin
They were a religious order that owed their power to their ability to commit high profile assasinations. And their very secretive, intergenerational discipline. They were probably the best killers the world has ever seen and they originated from a religious order.

On a side note. One could interpret his 'guns' and fighting as an actual release for his sexual drive. Notice that he is at his most playful and joyful when inflicting violence on people. When he mocks the old assassin, his clear enjoyment of fighting against the other assassins with his swords, the bathtub scene, the end scene with the cop, his last quip "I told you to stay away, but you wouldn't listen". 47 is like a very well adjusted and disciplined sadist, he enjoys causing other people pain, physically dominating them and killing. For him it's not just easier than breathing, it's enjoyable.

But he's also modest due to his discipline and devotion. He doesn't kill solely for pleasure but instead tries to integrate himself into society, in this case hiring himself out as an assassin (and only killing 'bad' hard to kill people) and in self defence. This is what differentiates him from serial killers, who have no control over their sadistic impulses.


subase,the Catholic church is not anti-sex,nor anti-women.
It is very much in favour of treating women with respect.And that means ,not seeing women as merely sexual objects to be used for sexual gratification. Hence the insistence that sex be part of full and loving reltionship between a man and a woman within marriage.The insistence on marriage is to protect the woman from being exploited.The church thus seeks first and foremost to protect the woman,thus it is in no way anti-woman. Most women would prefer to be treated with love and respect,rather than be pursued just for sex.

Anyway,Hitman does not have any relationships with any other humans.He has no friends,male or female.And he does not interact with anyone other than to kill his targets.He does not have a beer with the guys,nor does he go to a sports event with his buds.All of these social interactions are alien to him,and he has no interest or desire for them.By extension therefore,he has no interest in women either,and when approached by the blonde at the bar he extracts himself from any involvement and leaves.He would have done the same if some guy at the bar had started talking to him.
He has a moment of recognition for Olga when she describes her background just as he is about to kill her,as he recognises some of what happened to him in what she says.Later,when again he is about to kill her,he sees that she is tatooed,like him and stays his hand.Thereafter he tries to get her out of her situation by buying her the vineyard in France for her to escape to.But there is no question of romance.That is not in his world.And when she is perched on the balcony naked,she does it to get a reaction from him.but he observes her as he observes a painting or a plant i.e. as something to look at,with no further meaning.He is a killing machine,and very good at it.Nothing else.


While I find valid points in other postings (including the reply by catoelder), I have to say yours makes some of the best in my opinion. Yet there are many aspects working in combination.

I think the way the movie handled it was excellent. It gave the hitman a depth of character and some food for thought for the viewer, as this thread confirms. At the same time it avoids both the tiresome James-Bond-scheme of disposable women, as well as the cookiecutter true-love romance sidestory other movies annoy us with.

This spark of feelings may be a "flaw" for a perfect killer, but exactly that is what makes it so interesting, revealing aspects of his character the games did not. I hope Hitman 2 does keep this up (and doesn't mess it up) - lot's of action but also some glimpses of an unusual character.
Please. Accept the Mystery.


I believe the organization castrated all of their trainees, sex=bonds to people which immediately throws him off his game, even feeling a little for someone creates weakness(hostage taking, threats to her life will create an extreme problem. He was raised as a weapon and nothing else, he seemed frightened by her advances as if he was afraid for her to know. Anyone buy the disc or hear what the writer/director thought about the subject?

It would be of interest.

Why is the balance of intelligence to stupidity so lopsided here?

Why is the balance of intelligence to stupidity so lopsided here?


It would actually be a good idea to cut his dick off. But as I said, you need the testicles to produce testosterone for muscle mass.

On a related note circumcision actually reduces the sensitivity of the penis, and as such probably reduces sexual desire. Advantageous if your trying to get your men to marry women from good families and not go around having sex/impregnating and then being forced to marry inferior women. Historically probably the reason why it's practised by the jews and the religious in general.

I agree that sex, especially with women is a weakness if your an assassin.


That's funny I was thinking about that while I wrote the post, I figured they would leave the testicles absolutely , since he was bulked up like that it would be impossible unless they gave him a steady steroid program on & off.

The word castration means a lot of different things then it is. In the dictionary it states that it is the removal of just the nuts, so I wonder what it means to lop off a penis but leave the testicles(IMHO Horrible.

When I took my first male dog to the vet they called it a castration and I was furious about it, but I had no choice he was getting a bit too horny for his sister(Maltese). When we got him back we realized they took out a whole lot other than the nuts, they took the entire "package" from him & I was ticked off, all he had was a pitiful pee-hole

. After 3 litters I had to get my Shih-tzu fixed & I bitched the vet out prior about what to take out and believe it or not they had no problem just taking the nuts & leaving everything else functional. He still hops on my Maltese during her bi-yearly period and he has no problem gettin it up. I believe they f'd up bad during the first op and had to take everything to cover their @sses.

Since I'm on my 4 cup of coffee and I'm on the subject and I sware this actually happened. Our first dog In 2000 was a male Maltese around 15 LBS. and he got this MASSIVE hard on, this thing was f'g 8" long & thicker than a hotdog. From all the blood in his pecker he just fell over & was pretty out of it, OK we called the vet, the vet said to start massaging it with petroleum jelly and try to stroke it back in! The vet told us they knew of a dog that had died from that happening! This dog's dick would put a lot of men to shame,lol, I was stuck between concern & laughing my @ss off.

One phrase I don't use is "just when you thought you have seen it all" life will blow your mind eventually & it will continue to happen till death.

Why is the balance of intelligence to stupidity so lopsided on this site?


Just came here after watching the film for the first time....Oh man, great, so funny, can't stop laughing!



Wow, stupid people everywhere. Bonding with a female will make you weak. You will be afraid to lose her. A professional KILLER can't afford love sickness.
Is everyone here retarded? Geeze.


Because he's a virgin and doesn't know what to do with it.



Why does there have to be sex in every movie?? Actually, I LOVED the fact that there was no sex, not even a kiss!! It would've been such a cliche.
I am a huge fan of the Hitman games, and I think a romantic moment would have ruined the whole atmosphere, plus it does not conform at all with 47's character... Hitman simply isn't about love, romance or emotions. Period. If you've played the game you'll know what I'm talking about. If you want sex and emotions, there are plenty of romcom's to watch.



It wasn't that I wanted to see sex on the screen. I was more interested in WHY the Hitman did not have sex.


I thought it was because he wasn't given a sexual orientation/preference. In other words, he's not gay, bi, or straight.


i think a kiss wouldve been the least of this movies problems



I disagree. It would have been a complete break with his character and backstory.

Please. Accept the Mystery.


"Love and compassion are signs of weakness" this is what 47 and the others are taught when they are made,they have learned to put social desires aside so they can focuse primarily on their main priorities...mainly their targets.


In the first game he got kissed by one of the women - but he shuddered and quickly wiped his mouth.

47 doesn't like women on the job, simply because they're distractions and nothing else. He was trained to be the perfect assassin and he stops at nothing to get to his target.


I was gonna mention that. Though the woman was a whore, so i can't blame if he shuddered. But it really looked like 47 was disgusted by some wench touching him.

47 just doesn't seem to have any feelings besides some pride for a job well done.

ALLCAPS = Ignore.


Which game is that? I've only got Hitman Blood Money, and Hitman Contracts? Are there others?


Finally an intelligent comment. You're spot on.


Long tradition of fighters who give up sex. See Knights Templar, for example. Or then again, he may be a poofter.


He's definitely not a poofter. I knew someone was gonna bring that up, but the only pleasure a man could give him is to be killed by him.

ALLCAPS = Ignore.



cause he's the 40-year old virgin


he has no penis

"evil will always triumph because good is dumb."


The load this guy seems to shoot are lead and supersonic. Despite all of the talk of training or genetic engineering, I find it odd that they could totally shut off the human sex drive. I would assume 47 does have genitals and knows they are for more than urination.


One of the greatest human impulses is to procreate- it's why after we reproduce, our bodies slowly shut down. I think it's possible to genetically lessen the sex drive, but never to destroy it completely, or else he probably never would've went through puberty.

I think he's also interested in things he hasn't experienced, and you can never truly shut off a human's desire to bond. Maybe he's curious.

official i was there 1st<3
Joe's Angels: liaison (worship the Farrah hair!)


A PROFESSIONAL KILLER doesn't *beep* bitches left and right. Is this so hard to imagine? Oh my god.
