In Production

after years of pitching and fundraising, the small independant film company Kingdon County Productions( is set to start work on another Howard Frank Mosher story. The film is being shot on location in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. Mosher's novel has been adapted by KCP's founder Jay Craven. Craven will also direct. Much of the small cast is local talent with a few indie stars playing in the major roles. The injection of bigger hollywood comes from Kris Kristofferson who will take on the main character.

here's an article reporting on the production.



I am hoping to find out if the release is on time? I've heard about some technical issues with bad film or bad cameras that might have caused extra work in putting the film together. Is there any updates available on how the film is coming along? Thanks, the fiddler, (aka Marc)


Disappearances is scheduled for a World Premier in Austin, Texas at the South By Southwest Film Festival(march 10-18). The Burlington, VT premeir is April 7th. I believe April 6th is the scheduled date for Disappearances in Brattleboro.


The premire was not in Burlington,Vt. on april 7th.It was at the Essex Cinema in Essex,Vt.There was a party after the show across from the cinema.Kris was unable to attend the event.Bess O'Brien introduced her husband Jay Craven who discussed the movie and answered questions.Two of the actors joined Jay on the platform,Luis Guzman and Charlie McDermott.Luis was asked what he made for being in the film.He was payed $850.00 and he stated that he had to pay his school tax.He got a laugh out of us for that one!Luis did not do this for the money.Charlie made $8,000.00.Kris was unable to attend the party,although he did sit with the audiance at the premire.


Some of the film was x-rayed and ruined.
