What happened.....

Hey guys
what happened to Bens mum????
i was watching the last ever episode and he says he does photography because his camera was once his mums....
did she die or something????
i only missed the first half of the 2nd season and i am guessing that i missed something then....


We're never told what happens to his mother, but it can be assumed she died. I remember in the episode where Ben, Sadie, Arden, Margaret, and Rain are in detention, Ben says he doesn't like talking about his mom. From that information, it could also be assumed his mom left when he was younger.

~The thing about living is that there's always undeveloped pictures in our future~ 15/Love


In the Bennet Club ep Ben says his mum left when he was younger, as in walked out on him and his dad. So he's sensitive about it.
Anyway, love Sadie - wish Sadie and Ben were back on!
