MovieChat Forums > Afro Samurai (2007) Discussion > Major Logical Flaw in the Plot

Major Logical Flaw in the Plot

So Justice's whole plot was that he wanted both the #1 and #2 headbands together, as that would give him some supernatural knowledge or something like that. So he waits years and years and years for Afro to grow up and come for revenge and then take it from him.

But didn't he have both the #2 and #1 headbands when he killed Afro's father in the beginning? (He was #2 and he killed #1 Afro's father).

So really, his plans should have been accomplished about 2 minutes into this series, and we don't even need the other 4 episodes, right?

(For that matter even if there is some logical explanation to this gaping wide hole, what happens to the #2 headband after Justice becomes #1? He sells it on ebay?)


Good point.


well, he got the number 1 head band and left number 2 behind because he didnt have the idea originally, he just wanted the #1 headband, but then goes on the crusade to get all the head bands and waits for the last one.


You don't know what You're writing about- "he didnt have the idea originally"?



nah, when afro goes to confront Justice, he tells Afro that he only discovered that you needed all the headbands, and not just number 1, after he had killed afro's dad.

Since you see a young afro getting attacked and having the second headband taken away from him, id assume that afro took the headband and left while Justice was celebrating


I thought it was very clear since he did say he realized much later that he would need all head bands, you guys need to pay attention.

I thought it was silly that they did a cut away and afro's dad head was cut off, I thought " he had 2 guns, how did he cut his head off?". So I watched and that was awnsered at the end, just like your "Major Logical Flaw in the Plot", but you have to pay attention...

Listen, do you smell something?


Well, Justice did say something like that in the last episode...that it took him a while to have his revelation about the headbands.


he specificallys says this when talking to afro before the final battle which makes it clear that he developed the idea of ending the headbands in his time as number one.


Justice thought he just needed the #1 headband. It wasn't until after that he found out he needed to collect all the headbands. Watch the last episode again. There are several dead bodies in the room all with different-numbered headbands (you can see headband number 5,7 and 10). I assume he spent the years following his killing of Afro's dad hunting down the other headband wearers.


Afro picked it up when Justice let it drop to assume the rank of number 1.
Watch the damn show.

Holy Guacamole! We have chips!


The rules probably state that the number 2 headband has to be left wherever the battle took place. That's probably how Jinno got his headbands.



ive been thinking about that one too

if your number 1 would you be more powerfull couse of it


Did you see the final episode? Justice has collected a crap load of headbands and what did he gain from it? Well, Afro nearly sliced off his head, and he still seemed unperturbed.
That's some serious benefit if you ask me.


I'd rather imagine it that way too.

Though there isn't any proof that the headbands grant you powers, other than recognition, it makes things more interesting just to imagine they do.


If you listen to what he said, he said that it was only after he had the number 1 that he realised this.


I don't think its a cop-out to say he didn't think of it right away. His goal originally was to gain the #1 headband. Its never really explained what kind of enlightened existence he led after that. He may have wandered the country-side for years before he realized the power that both headbands could give him. Its not stated either way, so I don't think that's such a leap.


But his point remains valid, because in the first episode the waitress tells the mysterious visitor, that the legend of the two headbands is "ancient".


His point isn't valid and I'm not sure what the hell the legend of the two headbands being "ancient", has to do with anything.You should explain what you're getting at, because as it stand, you're agreeing with a position, base on a comment that adds nothing to the original poster argument.


Justice gave the number two headband to seek his revenge...when he was ready..


Hm, what I´m wondering: if you need #1 to confront #2, why don´t you need #3 to confront #2 and so forth? why go after #10 if you can get directly to #2?
The last few minutes made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Or maybe that´s the reason Afro disbanded the numbers at the end, to grant Kuma his wish for revenge, since he himself doesn´t know what to do with the power Justice speaks of and keeps on fighting, the only thing he´s ever learned...

It´s a strange world.
Let´s keep it that way.


What plot?

No, really.

WHAT plot?

"Afro Samurai" is just a sequence of images. While I admit these images were quite nice, the whole series has been one of the most unrewarding experiences of my life.

Quit trying to make sense out of this illogical, "wanna-be-cool" crap.


howdoesitfeelIMDb I would normaly call you a troll, but I think you take high regard in your ironic "What plot?" post. I would feel mad if I called you out.


I think the point is that there is never enough. What says getting the number two headband makes him god. He is just convincing himself that he needs more than what he has. What is more than being the number 1? being the number 1 and 2? I think the point they are trying to get across is that all the killing and all the greed for more power just ends up consuming you and in the end there always someone better than you, and we all die in the end.
